Chapter 16

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//Cherik angst\\

Alex, Sean, and Hank all sat in one of the dining rooms that was set off to the side of the atrium when they heard a knock. The boys all exchanged glances. Hank stood up and opened the door to see Sinéad and Erik. 

"Sinéad! You're back. And with Erik. Why don't.. er.. why don't  you come in?" Hank opened the door wide and let the two in. 

"Raven decided to stay with Emma Frost." Sinéad said answering Hank's mental question about where Raven was. There was a crash from upstairs making everyone look up. Hank looked over at Alex and Sean. "Alex, check on Charles, please." He ordered. 

Alex nodded and quickly raced upstairs to check on the telepath. Charles was laying on the floor in a ball, hands over his ears. Alex crouched down. "Charles? I'll get your meds." 

Charles nodded slightly. Alex quickly got the meds only to come back to Erik kneeling next to Charles. The smaller man was trying to pull away. 

"Y-you left me.. I c-could've d-died that day, Erik." Charles was saying. Erik looked at him with sad eyes. "That was the worst decision of my life." He responded, quietly. 

"But you still did it. You still left me. You took Raven away and you took Sinéad away. You took my legs away. You made it so my legs failed me and my heart failed me." Charles voice was gaining volume.

Erik paused before throwing himself at Charles and connecting their lips. Charles was caught off guard and immediately jumped back. 

"You are not doing that. I won't allow you to play with my feelings after you left me crushed. Not with that thing still on your head because you don't fucking trust me." 

Charles glared at Erik. Sinéad huffed from the corner making everyone including Alex turn, surprised by her presence. 

"Erik just take off the god damn helmet. Charles, Erik thought what he did was best. Now he realizes it was not the best choice he made. Now hurry up and become friends again because I want my family back." 

They all looked at her. "Charles wants you back home, Erik. He's not going to hate you forever about your decisions." She started, reading Erik's mind. Erik gaped at her. "How-?" 

"I can get passed your helmet. Now hurry up and take the fucking thing off before I make you." Her voice was sharp. 

"Fine. Be like that." She said after silence and stillness followed her command. She turned sharply and walked out of the room and head to her old room. No one noticed the grey spark in her eye. 

Charles looked over at Alex for a second. "Put my meds away and get my chair, would you, Alex?" He asked. Alex only nodded and rushed out of the room. Charles turned back to Erik. "She's right. I just want you home. I'm just upset that you left in the first place, that's all." 

"You don't have to take that awful helmet off. Just please, stay." Charles said after a pause. His voice was soft and quiet. He was almost begging Erik to stay. 

Now it was Charles' turn to flung himself at the other man. The two connected and no one pulled away. Erik was shocked for a second before he melted. The two wrapped each other's arms around each other. 

Both of their faces were bright red and seemed to get even brighter when Alex cleared his throat. The two pulled away. Alex stood with a wheelchair in front of him. Erik stood up and helped Charles silently into the chair. 

Erik's heart dropped at the sight of his love in a wheelchair because of him. 

Nice to see you two are happy. Sinéad's voice rang inside of Erik's head despite his helmet. I need to talk to you for a sec. Can you meet me in my room? 

Of course. 

— //A few minutes after Sinéad went to her room\\

You're welcome. A new voice said in Sinéad's head. A voice she didn't recognize. What did you do? 

Sped up the forgiving process. You were bored, weren't you?

Why are you doing inside my head?

This is my home, Sin. Oh and. Charles' little boo-boo. I'd hate for you to forget what ability you have. 

With that the voice was gone leaving Sinéad mostly alone. The voices of other people's mind never left unless she put a blocking up. She never bothered to do this unless she had to. And as of now, she needed to. 

Sinéad needed to think. 

That's when it hit her. How could she forget?! She could heal. She could heal Charles! This was great!

... but what if it didn't work? What if she over works herself and isn't able to help. 

Sinéad was ready to risk overworking herself to heal Charles. But she needed support.

 Nice to see you two are happy. She transferred to Erik after watching the scene he was seeing. Sinéad saw that Charles was in his wheelchair that was for some reason made of metal. I need to talk to you for a sec. can you meet me in my room?

Erik agreed mentally and made his way to the girl's room. 

There was a knock and the door and Erik entered. He looked concerned. "Is everything alright?" He asked her. Sinéad nodded, a grin on her face. "I think it is."

"I think there might be a way to help Charles with his injury! I've gained the ability to heal. I want to see if I'm able to heal his legs." She was bouncing in excitement. 

Erik's jaw fell. "Is there any other ability you're hiding?" He asked, a small smile on his face. Sinéad shrugged. "Not that I know of. How about I update you in a few years?" 

"I think it'll be a bit of a challenge but I want to try and heal him. Is that ok?" 

//Quirrel, ok is wonderful!\\

Erik nodded. "Yes, of course it is! Sinéad, this is amazing!" He grinned a huge shark grin. Sinéad smiled. 

Charles was laying, stomach down, on one of Hank's hospital beds. Everyone who lived in the mansion was there, watching. 

Hank had the male telepath connected to a bunch of machines. Sinéad's heart was racing. She palms were slightly sweaty and she was fidgeting constantly.

Beast finished connecting all the machines up and looked over at the girl. "Whenever you are ready, Sinéad." He said, stepping aside. 

Looking down at Charles, Sinéad took a step towards the bed he was laying on. Charles looked back at her. You can do this. 

After the medicine wore off completely, Charles struggled a bit to get his mutation up and running again. Whenever he transferred something to someone, it was in a quiet voice but it was there and he was working on it. 

Sinéad hovered two hands above the spot where the bullet hit Charles' spine. She closed her eyes and focused. Silver energy started to appear around the girl's hands. The energy slowly went down and onto the mostly healed over wound. 

Charles' breath hitched and the magic reached the bottom of the wound and started to spread. Erik took his hand and held it lightly. Charles squeezed the other man's hand as the magic made it's way through his body. 

There was a small Yelp from Charles when the magic finished it's job. Charles turned, careful to not move his legs yet. He sat up. 

With only a little amount of force, Charles was able to move his legs. His face lit up with a grin. He had his legs back. 

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