Chapter 11

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//Sorry this chapter- and maybe of the upcoming ones- are a little.. scrunched up? I can't find the word.. Just stick with me.

It's a bit short too.

Sorry y'all. \\

Sinéad held the armrest of the seat she was sitting in tightly. Ever since she first had ridden on a plane/jet with Charles and Erik, she had realized she hated the feeling. She hated going up until the plane or jet reached the maximum of height or whatever it was. She hated landing. How her ears would pop and the world would go into a quiet state. She hated the possibility of turbulence. 

//the only thing she loved was laughing at James' snl skit that involved the lohst plane. That was hilarious. Haven't seen it, go watch it right now.\\ 

Raven patted the smaller girl's arm to re-assure her. Sinéad leaned against Raven. Erik watched the small girl as she closed her eyes. 

"128." Moria said to announce the time they had left. Moria was sitting in the co-pilots' seat while Hank drove the plane. Everyone else  sat one the sides of the jet in a line of three chairs on each side. 

Raven, Sinéad, and Charles sit on one side of the jet. In that order. While Sean, Alex, and Erik sat on the other side. 

About thirty minutes later, the jet arrived just above the borderline of Cuba. Ships were lined on opposite sides of the invisible border. Everything was still. In the middle of the two lines of ships, heading toward the border, was one small shipp. 

Hank started to circle to jet around the scene that was playing below making Sinéad's stomach do a 180. 

Charles puts two fingers to his temple and closes his eyes lightly. Sinéad notices him tightening his eye lids in concentration and sends a mental boost. With the young girl's help, Charles is able to reach the only conscious member on the shipp. He sees Azazel standing over the man. The red skinned teleporter looks over at the man Charles is mentally connected to. Azazel notices the man is awake and stomps on his head to knock him out. 

Charles opens his eyes. "The crew of the Aral Sea are all either dead or unconscious. Shaw has been there." He announces after sending a quick thanks to Sinéad. 

Erik sighs. "He is still here. We just don't know where." 

Moria looks back fro, her seat in the front. "If that ship, controlled by Shaw or not, crosses the border, our army is gonna blow them up." 

This gives Charles an idea. "Unless it isn't our army. Sinéad, boost?" Sinéad nods and gives Charles a boost from her own telepathic ability. Charles' mind searches the largest Russian shipp  that most likely carries all or most of the weapons. He decides on one man and enters his mind. 

Charles takes control of the Russian army man and makes him walk to the other side of the room. The man scans the button booth and finds the 'fire' button. It's blinking red. Charles makes the man push it. 

The telepath pulls away fro, controlling the man as a missile is fired into the air. Aiming straight for the jet. Hank grunts slightly as he pulls the controllers up to make an escape from the missed. 

This action makes the jet lean sideways. One wing facing up, the other facing the water. Hank yanks the controllers again the dodge the gravity pulled missile, flipping the jet completely over. Sinéad lets out a yelp and she grips the seatbelt of her chair tightly. Charles and Raven both grab the base of Sinéad's belt to stable the girl and themselves a bit more. 

"Warning next time, huh, professor?" Hank yells back. "Sorry." Charles calls. "I'm inspired." Moria yells back jokingly at Charles. 

//This is not a time for jokes, Moria.\\

"Anything unusual on the radar?" Charles calls up as Hank levels the jet. Moria shakes her head. "Nothing." Hank growls. "Which means they are underwater. And we don't have a sonar." 

Sean looks up. "Yes we do." Charles grins. "We do!" 

Erik, Charles, and Sean all race to unbuckle. The three jump out of their seats. "Hank, open the bloody door!" Charles yelled. Hank did. Sean looked down that up when he saw Erik move closer. He put a hand up. "Nuh-uh. You stay there." Erik put his hands up in surrender and took a step back.

Charles patted Sean's back. "You know what to do. Remember: it is a muscle. You know how to use this. I'll be in here the whole time. Don't forget to scream. On three." 

"One....two.....three. Go!" Sean jumped out of the jet. Charles watched him for a second before being pulled back into the jet by Erik. 

There's a silence as Charles waits for Sean to find a location. He perked up after a second. "Banshee has a location on Shaw." He announces loudly. He transfers the coordinates to Hank. 

As Hank leads the jet to where Shaw's submarine was, he lowered the wheel of the jet as if they were landing. Slowly and carefully, Erik climbed down the leg of the jet and held on tightly. After a hesitation, Erik extended his arm out, his hand spread wide. 

Charles watched from the jet and placed two fingers on his head. Remember: the point between rage and serenity.   

Erik nods ever so slightly. He focuses on his mutation and sure enough, a submarine rises up from the water. The army men watching, on both sides, are in shock to see what looks to be a flying submarine. 

But the mutants on board have noticed. A man comes out of the door on top of the underwater shipp and examines the jet for a second. The man moves his hand in a circle-like movement and creates a sort of twister. 

The wind storm comes right at the jet. Hank notices it. "This might get bumpy!" He yells back. Sinéad tightens her grip on her seatbelt. 

"Erik!" Charles calls down to Erik. "Erik, take my hand!" He yells at the other man. "Take my hand." Erik finally reaches up and takes Charles' extended hand in his own. Charles pulls Erik up as Hank closes the god damn door. 

Erik starts to make his way back to his seat but the wind storm knocks into the jet sending it into chaos. The jet starts to flip and Charles falls to the floor. Erik jumps on him and holds tightly onto the metal in the floor of the jet. Charles lets out an 'oof' sound as he lands on top of him. 

Hank manages to pull the jet out of the wind storm. But the created storm had damaged the jet too much. Hank is just able to land the jet on the beach of Cuba before the jet breaks down completely. 

Erik climbs off of Charles and helps him up. "Are you ok, my friend?" Erik asks. Charles nods. 

"Ok. We need a plan."

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