Chapter 8

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//These next parts are going to be of First Class with very similar wording and parts. I know this may seem familiar but I do have a plan for what is to come. Just stick with me Heere. I'm gonna try to go through this quick cause y'all know it. You can skip to the next chapter, there is not much juice that you need to know in it. 

Also mention of needles/shots.\\

Raven sat on the edge of Sinéad's bed. The girl was still passed out. Erik was sleeping, the illusion seeming to have drained his energy. Charles and Hank were doing some work with Cerebro to find out who the building Erik was being held in belonged to. 

They found out that the mansion belonged to Jared Stryker. Who was dead. Jared had died suddenly and of an unnamed reason. The Stryker twin had died during the time they had rescued Erik. That couldn't be a coincidence. Could it?

Alex and Sean were talking about lord knows what downstairs. 

Raven looked down at the young girl. She was so young, she shouldn't be aloud here fighting. But she was. And Sinéad's part of the team. 

There was a knock on the door. "Raven, are you in there?" A voice called. Raven stood up. "Yeah!" 

"The president is about to make his address!" 

Raven looked back at Sinéad before going out of the room and closing the dorm behind her. Moria was waiting outside for her. Moria had dark brown hair that went just above her shoulders. She has dark brown eyes and a stern face. 

Moria motions for Raven to follow her and she does. Moria leads Raven down to the living room where Hank, Sean, and Alex already are. "Now just to find Charles and Erik.." Moria mutters to herself before running off to find the two. 

The only non-mutant in the house, finds the two friends facing the radar plate outside. "Erik! You're awake. That's great.  The president is about to be on tv to announce his address to the nation!" She calls out to them. 

They both turn towards her. Charles pats Erik's back as a good job and is the first to make his way over to her. Erik follows behind quickly. The three make it to the living room to join everyone else. 

"Erik. You're up. How are you feeling.?" Raven asks Erik. Erik shrugs in response. "How's Sinéad?" Charles asks. 

"Still asleep." Raven answers. 

Moria turns the tv on and goes to the channel the president would be talking on. 

My dear citizens. Although we are doing everything we can, we are not able to stop the Russians. They are planing to cross our borders without permission and plant missiles. If they happen to cross our borders in Cuba, we have no other option than to fire back at them creating a full-on nuclear war. 

Then it was over. 

Erik was the one who broke the silence. "That's where we are headed. Shaw will be there." 

Charles nodded. "His plan is to be the one who shoots the missile having us think the Russians did it. Shaw is trying to start world war three." Erik stands up. "I suggest you all get a good sleep. Tomorrow may be a long day." He leaves. 

Charles looks at everyone in the room. "We have been preparing for this as hard and as long as we are able to. We got this." He said before leaving after Erik. 

Raven was back sitting on the young girl's bed. In truth, Raven missed her company. It had been a day and she felt.. lonely? Sure, she had Charles, Erik, Hank, and the chaotics™, but she had gotten so used to having another mutant girl in the building. 

There was a small knock on the door. To Raven's surprise, Alex walked in. He sat down next to her. There was a quick silence between them before: "I think Hank is looking for you.. I can stay and watch Sinéad. He says it's argent." 

Raven nods and quickly stands up. She looks back at Alex and Sinéad before turning and leaving the room. 

Hank was standing outside his lab with a small box in his hand. He was looking back and forth trying to spot Raven. He hoped she would show up. He had finally finished the antidote to help with his and Raven's appearances. 

Raven walked around the corner. "Hank." She said to acknowledge him that she was Heere. Hank looked up at his name. "Raven! I have a surprise for you" he handed her the small box in his hands.

She took the box and opened it. Inside was two small containers that had a needle on one end of it. The container held a yellow-green substance. Raven looked up at Hank, who shuffled his feet slightly. 

"I finished the serum. It will only effect our appearances... You still want to do this, don't you?" Hank looked at the woman hopefully. Raven hesitated. Her mind was remembering something that Erik had said. He said he wouldn't change a thing. 

Hank growled softly at her silent response. "Right. Well, I'll leave this with you. If you decide you want to try, it'll be here." With that he left Raven standing. 

Raven gave a sigh before an idea came to her. 


Erik walked swiftly down the hall to his bedroom. He was tired, slightly annoyed, and just wanted to go to bed. 

Charles would never understand the pain revenge takes on one's soul. 

Erik opened the door to his room. His eyes narrowed when he saw Raven in his bed, sheets wrapped around herself. 

He rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Not now, Raven. Maybe in a couple years." He walked past the bed to his closet to get his pajamas. Raven huffed. "C'mon, just once?" 

Erik turned sharply. "No. I like the true Raven." He said noting her white skin instead of her natural blue. With a smirk on her face, she transformed into what seemed like a slightly older version of herself. 

"The true Raven." 

Raven transformed back to her young self, still not showing her true form. Erik glared at her and she finally transformed into her blue form. 

"Perfection." He said a split second before she turned into Charles. Erik felt the urge to jump at Charles' form but kept himself from doing so as it was not the real Charles. 

Raven turned back into her blue form. She had a smirk on her face. 

Erik sat down on the edge of his bed. "I do not understand why you have to hide." Raven looked at him, confused. He sighed. "Ever see a bear and think that the bear needs to put on clothes?" Raven shakes her head. "You are a spectacular creature, Raven. You shouldn't have to hide."

"Like this?" Raven turned back into Charles. 

Erik gave in and leaned in. He kissed the fake form of Charles. Raven smirks slightly when Erik pulls away. The female turns back into her blue form. 

Erik stands up. "You have his eyes wrong." He says. 

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