Chapter 7

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//sorry if this chapter seems a little... rigid. Trying to make this go as smooth as possible.

And half way through I start using "Sinéad" which is how you actually spell the girl's name I just never got into the habit of putting the accent mark on the e until now.

If I'm making this go too fast, just tell me.


 This large mansion can easily be compared to a maze. It was only when Sinead was completely lost in the building, did she realize the group she was with was an illusion. "Shit" the girl swore quietly, under her breath. 

"Wait. Sinead. She was just there!" Raven pointed at the spot where the illusion of the small girl had been. Everyone but Charles became panicked. "Shut up, I can almost sense him." Charles was too concentrated on his missing best friend to understand what was going on. He just wanted to find Erik and scram. 

Raven could sense the focus in her adopted brother. She gave a sigh. "Alex, Sean, stay with Charles. Hank, can you come with me to find Sinead?" Both Raven and Hank were in their regular forms instead of their blue forms. 

Hank gave a nod, trying desperately not to think of his crush on the girl he was being paired with. 

Raven had taken it upon herself to lead the group, whenever Charles or Erik were absent. Ever since Armando died and Angel left.. she knew she had to be the back up in case the group's leaders were not there. 

Charles kept two fingers on the side of his head and didn't notice what was happening. 

"Don't let him do anything stupid." Raven added before leading Hank in the direction they had come from. 

Charles was followed by Alex and Sean. The telepath was trying desperately to get Erik back. It had been, what, an hour since they had been separated and he hated every minute of knowing the other might not be safe. 

The two young boys saw their professor's head snap up. Charles' eyes landed on the wall in front of him. Charles started racing down the hall to find the door to the room behind the door. Alex and Sean ran after him, slightly confused. 

Charles stopped at a large wooden door. "Sean. Destroy the door." Charles ordered. Sean, after a slight hesitation, destroyed the door. Alex and Charles removed their hands from their ears. Inside the room was eight shocked guards. 

With two fingers on his temple, Charles ordered the guards to leave. They obeyed. Charles started to search frantically for Erik. Alex was the first to look through a small, darkened window that was placed in the middle of a door. "Found him," Alex called out. 

Charles was next to Alex in .00003 seconds, looking through the glass window. He let out a breath. Erik. He was alive. Thank Zeus. The telepath backed up and ran at the door, knocking it down. Sean had to muffle a laugh. That was slightly unexpected. 

Charles ran into the room. Erik sat on a white bench looking at the wall in front of him. He zoomed ahead and was suddenly next to Erik. Erik didn't notice. He didn't notice a thing. "Erik?" Charles asked. No reply.

Charles shook the man's shoulders slightly. Erik just stared at the wall, blankly. "Erik, wake up." Charles tried again. Still nothing. Charles looked over at the two boys. "Where's Raven and Hank? Sinead?" He asked finally realizing it was just the three. 

"Raven and Hank went off to look for Sinead. She disappeared when you weren't paying any attention to anything." Sean said.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Charles asked, furious.

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