Chapter 9

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//Cont. mention of needles.\\

Charles was leaning over, his face hidden in the fridge. "You know, I've realized how different my life would be if you hadn't found me here." Raven says making her brother jump slightly. Charles stands up straight. 

"Oh jeez, Raven. Put some clothes on, will you?" Charles asks. Raven rolls her eyes slightly. "That is not what you said that night twenty years ago." Raven says as she sits down. Raven's true form was a dark blue with black designs over her skin. She had bright yellow eyes that surrounded a dark pupil. The female had bright red hair the color of Gryffindor's red theme that was pushed to the back of her head. Her hair fell down behind her ears. 

"But then, aren't let's say cuter when they are young?" 

Charles examines Raven. "Are you going to tell me what is up with you or do I have to find out myself?"

Raven looks at Charles. "You promised to never look inside my head without my permission." She stated. Charles shrugs slightly. "I've never had a reason to look." 

Raven's bright yellow eyes stare into Charles' blue ones. "When I was younger I thought it was going to be the two of us against the world. But no. No matter what the world does, you just want to be a part of it not against it." 

A second later, Raven is up and out of the room. Charles lowers his head. Was she right? Why was Raven acting like this?

Raven made her way back upstairs. She was angry at Charles. He just wanted to fit in when he knows she can't! The female immediately changes to her blonde-haired form when she hears a small groan from Sinéad's room. 

Raven turns and walks slowly towards the slightly open door that lead to Sinéad's room.

 "Shhh. It's ok." 

"T-they're too loud. Hank, it h-hurts."

Raven enters the room to see Hank standing over Sinéad's bed. Sinéad was curled into a ball, hands over her hears. 

"I know, I know." Hank looks up to see Raven. "Raven! Get Charles." Without hesitation, Raven nods and races back to the kitchen. 

Charles has his head in his hands when Raven runs into the kitchen. "Charles. It's Sinéad-."

Charles looks up. He notices the concern for the small girl in her face. Without asking what is wrong Charles interrupts her. "Lead the way." 

Raven rushes back to the girl's room, Charles following close behind. Raven runs back into Sinéad's room. The girl is still curled up. "Make it stop." She whispers quietly not to anyone directly. 

Hank looks at Charles. "Do you know what's happening?" He looked back at the girl. She was shaking slightly. 

Charles walked forward and knelt besides the girl. "Sinéad?" He asked softly. 

The girl was shaking more. Her hands were pressed against her ears. "C-Charles.. t-they're too l-loud. M-make it s-stop." 

Charles placed two fingers on his temple and plunged into the girl's mind. The male telepath's breath hitched. After a second, he lowered his two fingers and turned to Raven and Hank. "She's more powerful than before. Like her mutation doubled. Or it came to it's full maximum of power." 

Raven looked at him. "How?" 

Charles paused before answering. "Stryker. Jared Stryker. He owned the mansion Erik was held at. He was found dead during the time we were there. He was found dead in his study.. Sinéad fell just outside of his study. The window was open... Sinéad must've lost control and killed him... Jeremy Sader, Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy. All of their power came to it's full level after their first murder. Sader, Fassbender, and McAvoy were all the same... Hank. We were right. Sinéad does have the same mutation as Flitch."

"English?" Raven asks.

Charles sighs. "That means, when Sinéad killed Stryker, her mutation became it's full, highest level. Her mutation doubled meaning the voices and their volume in the poor girl's head doubled. She can't take the sounds of them." 

Sinéad gave a pained groan. 

"We can't put her to sleep yet. She'll wake up, not yet used to the pain."

"So what do we do?" Hank asked. 

Charles sighs. "Soothe her through the pain until she falls asleep."  

"I'll stay with her." Raven offers. Charles nods. "Thank you, Raven."

Hank looks down at the container in his hand. His socks and shoes were off and he was standing in his lab. The door was closed. 

He looked down at his demented feet and took a breath. With the container in hand, Hank leaned over and carefully pushed the needle into a vein on his foot. Hank stood up and watched for any sign of reaction within his foot. 

He stood there for about thirty seconds before he saw a change. His foot started to slowly shrink.  The toes that looked a lot like fingers shrunk into regular looking toes. His foot shrunk into a more reasonable size. 

Hank grinned. The serum had worked! He needed to tell Raven! Then Hank froze. The skin on his foot began to feel hot. Then his foot began to grow. 

"No." Hank muttered quietly. 

His foot was soon back to what it was. Back to square one. Hank thought. 

The scientist then realized his foot had not gone back to it's regular temperature. Hank looked down. His eyes widened.

"Wait! No-." He said louder as blue fur started to appear on his foot. Then a sharp pain. Hank sank back into a chair that was behind him and grabbed his foot. He noticed the fur appearing across his ankle. 

His leg grew, blue fur appearing all over his leg and spreading to his other leg. And it wasn't just the fur that was spreading. The pain, Hank could feel it spreading faster than the fur. 

Hank toppled out of his chair and tried to grab the table's edge as the pain grew. A round mirror that had been sitting at the edge of the table had fallen to the ground and landed right in front of Hank's face. 

Hank blinked as the pain reached his face. When he opened his eyes again, he saw yellow bear-like eyes starring back at him in the mirror. 

Now Hank was a true beast. 

//Sorry for the short chapter. \\

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