Chapter 12

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//Who is ready for an awfully written fight scene?!\\

"Alex, Hank, you guys go out there and stop Janos, Azazel, and Angel from stopping Erik from getting in. Erik, I'm going to need you to get to Shaw and make him stop the ship. Me and Sinéad will be inside your head the whole time." Charles orders. 

"What about me and Moria?" Raven asks Charles. He turns to her. "Stay here for now." 

Alex, Hank, and Erik all get ready to fight. In under a minute, they are ready. The three exit the crashed jet and climb onto the beach they had landed on. 

Across the beach, like Charles had said, was Janos, Azazel, and Angel. Angel jumped off the ground and let her beautiful fly-like wings carry her up and away from the fight. Janos made two wind storms with his hands, ready to fight. Azazel stood next to him with a long dagger in his hand. 

Just as Janos was about to throw the two storms at the three, Alex made fists with his hands and sent a bolt of energy at Janos, knocking him back. 

There was a crack and Azazel appeared behind Beast and Havok, Erik sprinted to the ship. Beast pushed Alex down to keep him from getting hit by Azazel's swinging blade. The teleporter punched Hank in the stomach causing him to double over for a second. Azazel's red tail quickly wrapped around Havok's neck while Hank thrusted a hank at the man's throat. 

Another crack was heard and Azazel teleported them to the ocean. Azazel let go of Havok and let him fall. "Beast-!" Alex called. Hank quickly grabbed Alex's hand to stop him from falling. Beast gripped Azazel harder as they fell from a high height. "We go. You go." He said to the red man. 

Azazel looked at him for a second before teleporting onto the base of one of the ships. Hank let's go of Azazel by accident and the teleporter pushes Beast against the wall. Alex takes this opportunity and tries to strike Azazel with a blast. The teleporter.. teleports behind Alex and grabs his throat. This causes Alex to not be able to control his mutation for a short second. Azazel turns so Alex was facing Hank trying to get him to blast Beast. 

Alex misses and is able to break free. Azazel stumbles back and Hank runs at him like a bull as he teleports. Soldiers start to surround Alex as the pyro stands on all fours trying to catch his breath. 

The pyro spots Angel flying towards the shipp. Angel opens her mouth to shoot a fireball at the ship. "DUCK" Alex yells, pulling the surrounding soldiers down. One of the fireballs hit's Alex's chest plate. Alex falls to the ground and yanks the burning plate off of his chest. He looks down at it, alarmed. 

Angel flies back around to try and hit Alex again. But just as she does, Sean comes soaring out from the water. Banshee gives Angel a sonic blast, sending the flying female backwards. 

After Angel regains her balance, she glares at Sean. Banshee quickly turns and starts to soar away from her. Angel follows him with ease. Banshee hurriedly starts to soar in the direction of a line of ships, hoping to lose Angel. 

Sean makes a quick turn. And then another. He glances back and notices he had succeeded in losing Angel. Banshee makes his way back over to the ship Alex was trapped on. 

Havok looks up and notices Sean. He smirks and puts his hands to his ears. Sean lets out another sonic blast causing the soldiers to fall to the ground and hold their ears tightly. Alex runs to the edge of the ship and jumps. Banshee catches him. 

Alex yells in triumph as he holds tightly onto Sean's hand, watching the scene under him. Neither of them notice Angel spotting them. Angel flies high above them and lets out a fireball. The ball of flame hits Banshee's suit, ruining his balance. 

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