Chapter 4

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"Anyone know when Fury's gonna show?" Nat asks impatiently, drumming her fingers on the tabletop. We're all a bit on edge, considering we've been completely in the dark with what's been happening in the last few hours.

"He said ten, and he's nothing if not punctual," Tony replies. I check my watch. 9:57. We all wait in silence, the only sound being the clinking of Tony and Thor's shot glasses. And at exactly ten o'clock at night, Nick Fury steps out of the elevator and joins us in the living room of Stark Tower. He sits on the couch, a thick manila file in hand.

"Director Fury," I say, giving him a nod of respect.


"So, Nickie, what do you have for us tonight?" Tony asks, gulping down a shot. Nat slaps him. Fury ignores both of them.

"Here's what we found so far, although the information is scattered, incomplete, and potentially inaccurate." He passes me the folder. "America Evans. Age twenty-six, lived in New York for a little over two years now."

"Her name is America?" Tony snickers. "Sounds like Capsicle's found his match. Only took him ninety years." Everyone ignores him, including me.

"What does she have to do with Hydra?" Clint asks.

"Evans has a false identity. She has no memory of her real one. So no, Stark, her name is not really America." I raise my eyebrows as he says this. "The earliest record of her existence in the United States was five years ago, in Miami. She lived there for a few months, then moved to Dallas. Then Louisville. Pittsburgh. Chicago. Cleveland. Philadelphia. And finally, New York. This is the longest she has remained stationary."

"That's a lot of places," Nat comments.

"What about the symbol?" Thor asks. His voice is a bit too loud, as usual.

"We ran DNA tests. Evans grew up in somewhere in the Russia/Sokovia area. However it happened, she had a run-in with Hydra as a young teenager. She quickly became a Hydra experiment. She has been injected with the Super Soldier Serum, Captain," Fury continues. My eyes widen. I know what it feels like to be injected. And she was just a kid. "In addition to being a Super Solider, she has enhanced speed. They experimented quite a bit."

"So basically, she's the Russian Flash," Tony jokes.

"Not the time, Tony," Bruce mumbles.

"She worked for Hydra for years. She was even on our radar. They called her the Night Wind, an assassin so quick that her victims never saw her coming. A few years ago, the Night Wind completely disappeared. This was when she somehow ended up in the United States."

"So she's a murderer for Hydra?" Clint asks, taking a few pages from me. I glimpse blurry photos of the girl in all black, armed. Expressionless face.

"She claims to have not done it willingly," Fury states. "That the Serum Hydra uses creates mindless soldiers. And she has blanks in her memory that back that up. They wiped her completely. Multiple times."

"How did you get this information?" I ask, sifting through the papers. Nothing jumps out at me, but I'm just skimming.

"She's been interrogated," he says simply.

Nat's eyes narrow. "Meaning what?"

"We needed information. Doctor Andrews had permission to use any means necessary." My fist clenches around the folder, crinkling the papers. Torture.

"Andrews?" Banner asks, aghast. "He's insane! I have no idea why SHIELD hired him, he enjoys putting people in pain. I had to fire him from one of my projects."

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