Chapter 10

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"What do you think?" Tony asks, projecting a holographic image of a suit in the air. From my perch on the lab counter, I glance up from my book to examine it.

"I'm not sure. Tony, it's a bit... much." He's created me a suit that would seem underdressed to him, but to me, it's completely flamboyant.

"What do you mean? I think it's perfect."

"Tony, let me translate. She doesn't want anything crazy!" Bruce calls from his own station.

"What if we get rid of these-" I swipe away some gauntlets, "-and take the color down a few shades?" There. There it is. I clap my hands together. It's much simpler now, a dark burgundy spandex suit with navy trim. "I still think you tried to make me match with Steve."

"Actually, that was a complete accident. I think you look good in red and blue." I pick my book back up. "What are you reading, anyway?"

"An advanced physics book," I say absentmindedly, flipping the page. "Have you ever heard of the Unified Field Theory? Einstein worked on it. And Hank Pym's opinions on quantum physics are inspired. It's all really fascinating."


"The Unified Field Theory," I repeat. "And Pym Particles. Don't you have a degree in physics?"

"Among other things, yeah. I know the basics. How do you know anything about that?"

I give him a look that says 'duh.' "I've been reading this for the last hour while you rendered the suit."

"You don't just understand quantum physics in an hour!" He exclaims, exasperated.

"My body isn't the only thing that moves fast, Tony."

"Come again?"

I sigh and put down the book. "My mind. I can read and process things quicker than the average human. I've been reading all of your college textbooks. I bet I know more about physics than you do by now."

"I- I- I-"

"Tony, if you were unaware, that was the sound of you being burned," Bruce says. I give him a high five.

"Hey, America?" Steve pokes his head into the lab. "Sorry, am I interrupting something?"

"Only me roasting Tony. What's up?" I hop off the counter and walk over to him. He's magnetic, whether I like it or not.

"You want to get out of here for a bit? I mean, the last few days have been pretty dull around here, we've all been cooped up, and I thought you weren't busy, but you seem to be-"

"No, actually, that would be great. Let me quick go change. I'll be ready in five!" I've been dying to get out of here. I flash him a quick smile before zooming up to my room. I toss my sweatpants and shirt into the laundry pile and pull on a red tank top and white jeans. Then I run back. "You ready?"

"Yeah, come on."

Soon we're walking down the busy streets of New York. It almost feels like my old life, except I never would have had someone next to me. I sneak a glance at my companion. With his baseball cap and blue t-shirt, I have to admit... he looks pretty cute. Stop it. He'll only hurt you, just like everyone else.

"So, what do you wanna do?" I ask, ignoring the thoughts swirling around in my head.

"I actually have no idea," he admits. "I just wanted to get out for a bit. Do you have any ideas?" I perk up immediately when I realize where I want to go.

"Come on!" I urge, grabbing his hand.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see!" I could be there in two minutes, but we take a bit longer to make it there together. My eyes light up as I stare in awe like I always do.

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