Chapter 6

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"So, how do you like it here?" Bruce asks me at breakfast. I've been living in the Avengers Tower for about a week now, although I've insisted on sleeping on the couch instead of Steve's room. It's worked for a few of the days. And some it hasn't.

"I like it," I say quietly. Other than Steve, Bruce is my favorite person in the Tower. He's quiet and smart, just like me. And he doesn't judge or push me. "Better than my other place, that's for sure."

"Speaking of that," he says, remembering something. "The team's been talking with Fury. If you're interested in staying here, maybe joining up, we can actually move you in here. Then you wouldn't have to sleep on the couch."

"You would actually want me?" No one's wanted me for anything in a long time. I thought I was being kept here until they figured out what to do with me.

"Why not? You're smart, you're fast, and you're brave. Sounds like hero material to me."

"Wow," I say slowly, looking down at my hands. "I would love to, but..."

"But what?" He takes his glasses off and puts them into his shirt pocket. "You can tell me, you know."

I shrug. "It's just... being alone for years, I've been able to stay hidden. Announcing myself as an Avenger would put me back on Hydra's radar. I'm not sure I'm ready for that."

"I can understand why you'd be scared of that," he says softly. "But you forget who we are. We have a fierce team full of people who will do anything to protect their family. If you become part of that family, that automatically transfers to you."

"You're sure?"


I'm sick of running from my fears. I'm tired of screaming myself awake in a dingy apartment with no one to calm me down. I'm done with wasting my life away at crummy jobs. I want these people to help me. I want to help others.

"Okay. I'm in." His face breaks into a smile. It's not a big smile, because in the past week, I've noticed that Bruce doesn't smile a lot, but when he does, it's genuine.

"Great! If you want, we can go get your things after breakfast. Tony's already started construction on your room."

"Already?" These people are so nice. It makes me not want to trust them. "We can go after, that sounds good."

"Hey, Steve, wanna help move America's things into the Tower today?" Bruce asks Steve as he walks into the kitchen.

"Sure. I'm tired of listening to Tony rant about that final press conference," he says, sitting on a stool next to me. "Once all of this Loki business is over, I think we'll all be happier."

"I don't know if you both need to come," I say doubtfully. "I don't have that much stuff."

"Nah, we're glad to help you," Steve says. "None of us have anything better to do."

"If you're sure."

"Dr. Banner, Mr. Stark requests your presence in his lab."

"Who knows what he wants this time," Bruce mutters. I giggle a bit, and Steve grins at me. "He's going to need my help all day. Steve, do you mind-?"

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