Chapter 34

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Steve and I watch helplessly as the doctors try to save Fury. He puts an arm around my shoulders, face unreadable. Footsteps smatter the floor behind us, causing us both to jump, but it's only Natasha. She stands next to Steve and sighs.

"Is he gonna make it?"

"I don't know," Steve answers.

"Tell me about the shooter," she says to me. I rack my brains for everything I can remember.

"He's fast and strong." I point to the gash on my cheek, which has already started to bruise. "And he has a metal arm."

"Ballistics?" Natasha asks as Maria Hill joins us.

"Three slugs, no rifling. Completely untraceable."

"Soviet made." I recognized his weapon in the roof.

Out of nowhere, Fury's vitals start to deteriorate. The doctors and nurses start yelling to each other, but none of it really registers in my mind. I'm just staring and praying and worrying and making no real sense.

"Don't do this to me, Nick," Natasha keeps mumbling under her breath. They shock him multiple times, but it's no use. I turn away as they announce 1:03, the time of Nick Fury's death.

As far back as I can remember, I've never been around for the aftermath of death. For years, I killed and ran. Now, I watched a man die, and I finally understand why people don't leave. You can't.

Silent tears stream down Natasha's face as she looks at Fury's body. Steve just stares at the floor, deep in thought. One of his hands is in his pocket, probably fingering the flash drive. And I'm just here, feeling out of place, because I still don't think after all of this time and everything that just happened, Fury still didn't trust me. But maybe he did. He didn't hide his messages from me, after all.

Finally, Hill clears her throat. "I need to take him."

Steve stands and goes to check on Natasha. "Natasha." She doesn't say anything, just runs out of the room. "Natasha!" He instantly goes after her, and with one last glance at Fury's body, I follow.

Nat doesn't turn to look at us, just asks, "what was Fury doing in your apartment?"

"I don't know," Steve answers. He's lucky she isn't looking, because my eyebrows shoot up, but then I remember Fury's dying words: don't trust anyone. If SHIELD really is compromised, we have to be careful with everyone. Including our friends.

A man walks in. Rumlow. A SHIELD agent, I think. "Captain, Evans, they want you back at SHIELD."

"Yeah, give us a second."

"They want you now."

"Okay." This irritates Steve, I can tell. He's not a fan of being told what to do. He turns to Natasha to say something else, but she cuts over him.

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