Chapter 14

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"Can you hear me?" I blink and my eyes focus on a man in a lab coat.

"Yes," I answer cautiously. What kind of question is that? "Where am I?"

"You don't know?" I shake my head. How did I get here if I don't even know where I am? "Do you remember anything? What's your name?"

"My name? It's-" I try to supply a name but nothing comes to mind. "I don't know," I whisper.

"I am here to help you," the man says. He pushes a button, and all of my restraints are released. Grateful, I step forward, rubbing feeling back into my wrists. "You are a devoted operative of Hydra. I also work as a doctor for Hydra. We rescued you. Your memories were taken from you by our enemies. You are an exceptional fighter and incredibly intelligent. You will be beneficial to our cause."

"Good." I don't recall anything, so I just nod along. "You don't know my name?"

"No. I'm sorry. Let's get you settled, shall we? Soldier!" A man steps forward, a man with long brown hair and a metal arm. "She will be in the same room as you. Before we lost her, you two were partners. I expect you to treat her with respect as she settles back into her life here."

"Understood," the soldier responds, glancing at me. He's very stiff.

"Go now. And keep her away from the Strucker experiments at all costs." He salutes. "Hail Hydra."

"Hail Hydra," the soldier monotonously repeats. The doctor turns to me, meaning in his eyes.

"Hail Hydra."

The soldier nods again before beckoning for me to follow him. He leads me through dimly lit hallways. People look at us curiously, and I draw nearer to him. "What's your name?" I ask curiously.

"I don't know." His words are clipped, not angry but indifferent instead.

"That's a common thing around here, apparently. Me either."

"The bunk's in here." As he turns a corner, I look at him more closely. He's toned, maybe a few years older than me, although that means nothing considering I don't know how old I am. Despite his hard exterior, he has soft hazel eyes.

I sit on the bed across from his. "How did you get the metal arm?"

"Do you always ask this many questions?" He seems annoyed.

"I don't know. See, I kind of have no idea what's going on." There's an edge to my voice. He sighs.

"No one does. That's how it works here. All I know is I don't know anything. It's safer that way. But we should probably look out for each other. We are partners, after all."

"Yeah, I guess we are."

He glances at the clock on the wall, the only decoration in our dark room. "We should probably get some sleep. We'll probably be on a mission tomorrow."

"A mission?"

"Yes, that's what we do. For now, just go to bed."

"That sounds good." I pull the covers over myself and close my eyes. "Well, whoever you are, 'night."

"Good night."


There are no windows, so no morning light streams into the room when I wake up. I slide out of bed, noting that the soldier is still asleep. I find a mirror and examine my appearance. Honey blonde hair with a slight coppery tint. I can't really decide on the exact color. Golden brown eyes. Pretty tall. I'm wearing a pair of jeans and a white T-shirt. A brown leather jacket that's too big on me but smells really good. Like fresh laundry and a hint of cologne. Like home, but I don't even know where home is.

Who am I? I must have known at one point. Now I don't even have a name. No family. Just my sleeping partner with a metal arm who I kind of think hates me and an organization I apparently fight for but don't understand. But for now, I'm just going to listen. They did save me, after all. They must be looking out for me.

I quickly change into the all-black outfit left out for me, but choose to leave the jacket on. As I pull the long-sleeve over my head, I notice something on my side.


I trace the tattoos, written in small, black cursive. Who are they? Friends? Family? James. Maybe a boyfriend? I have so many questions, and no way to answer them.

"What's the tattoo?" I jump when I realize my roommate is awake. At least I'm dressed. And somehow, he is too. He's fast.

"I don't know. Names." James, Valeria, Annika, I silently recite. They must be important, for me to permanently imprint them on my skin in ink.

"Hm," is all he says. "We need to get moving."

"Where are we going?" He pushes open the door, and I easily keep up with his long strides, braiding my hair back as we walk.

"Back to the lab. That's where we go every morning, for assignments."

"Oh. Do you have any idea what we'll be doing?"


"I love being well-informed," I say sarcastically. His lips curve up into a small, side smile.

"Don't we all, doll?"


That sounds familiar. Doll, doll, doll... nothing.

We pass a lab door labeled 'Strucker.' Through a grime-covered glass wall, red energy floats around in elaborate swirls. It looks like magic. I move to get a closer look, but the soldier pulls me away quickly. "Hey!" I say indignantly.

"Sorry," He says. At least he sounds apologetic. "You're just not supposed to be snooping around near Strucker's lab. I had specific instructions about that."


"I don't make the rules, I just follow them. You should, too." Something's off about him. Everything about him is lessened. There's no light in his eyes, and all of his words are relatively dull, like he isn't really here at all. I don't have any time to ponder his words, because we enter a different lab, the same one from last night. It's a different doctor, though.

"The Winter Soldier and the Night Wind," He says, drawing out his words. The Night Wind? Is that me? "Let's get started."

Hey! I just had a peanut butter cup milkshake, it was really good.

Anyway, what do you guys think, so far and of this chapter? What's going to happen?

One thing: she doesn't know who she is anymore, so her personality here is naturally a little different than the previous chapters.

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