Chapter 27

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I tap my fingers uneasily on the tabletop. They whir like a drumroll, but I can't help it. Nervous habit. Any second, Fury will join me in the conference room and then we'll start whatever meeting he wanted to have. I'm still confused as to why he wanted to talk to me, but when Nick Fury asks for something, you give it to him.

The door swings open and I stand, but it's not Fury. It's Steve.

At the same time, we both say, "What are you doing here?" There's a short, awkward laugh between us.

"Fury called me here for a meeting," I explain. "What about you?"

"Same thing," he responds, glancing around. "He didn't tell you why?"

I shake my head. "No. You?"


I don't like being kept in the dark. I've had my fill of secrets. The door bursts open again, this time revealing Nick Fury, looking the same as ever in black and his signature eyepatch. I wonder what actually happened to his eye.

"Director Fury," Steve says respectfully, holding out a hand. I do the same thing.

"Sit," he replies. We both obey at once. When Nick Fury asks you to do something, you do it. Makes everything easier. Fury himself takes a seat across from us. "We need to talk."

Please don't start talking about our relationship, I silently beg. I can't imagine how weird that would be. And we're both adults. It's not like he can makes rules about it.

"You two are being relocated." Steve's eyebrows go up, and my expression mirrors his. I've lived in New York for two years. It's my home now. And I have to leave?

"Where?" I ask. I try not to seem sad, but some of it leaks into my voice. Steve shoots me a sympathetic look. At least we'll be together.

"Washington, D.C.," he says. Hm. I've lived in so many cities, but never the capital. That might be interesting. Fun, even. "SHIELD believes stationing the two of you in the capital will increase security. We don't need all of the Avengers together cooped up in New York City. You will be on patrols and temporary missions, and SHIELD will pay for your expenses."

"Doesn't sound like there's much choice for us in the matter," Steve comments.

"That's because there isn't." Of course there isn't.

"What if something happens and the team needs us?" I ask, picturing another Battle of New York level threat.

"Then we'll call you." Fury gives me an irritated look, but I can't help being curious. "Any other questions?"

"When do we leave?"

"Tomorrow," he responds. "We'll provide a jet. The two of you need to pack anything you want to take."

"Does the rest of the team know yet?" Steve asks. Fury shakes his head. "Okay. Well, thank you, then."

"Good luck, Captain. And the same goes to you, Miss Evans." And he leaves without another word.

"Looks like we're moving," Steve says. I can't really gage his emotions.

"How do you feel about it?"

"Honestly, pretty neutral. I think it'll be interesting to see how it's changed."

"Oh, that's right," I laugh. "You were a capsicle all that time."

He groans comically. "When we leave New York, we're leaving that nickname here, too."

"We'll see, Stevie," I say, grinning and giving him a peck on the cheek. He blushes. "Is that better?"

"The kiss or the nickname?" I shove him playfully. "What do you think about it?"

"Weirdly enough, excited. I've lived in a lot of places but never Washington. That was always too risky for me. I've never even been there, I don't think."

"I'll have to play tour guide for you, then," he smiles.

"And I will teach you how to use your iPhone," I retort. "Then you can actually text me."

"You must be planning for a lot of free time in D.C."

"Let's hope. But if he's sending the two of us, I doubt it."


The next morning I put the final items in my bag and take one last look at my room. Who knows the next time I'll be back here. I did tell Tony that if he changes it, I'll have his head. All of the pictures are tucked safely away, the room bare, but it's still mine. It was my safe place. I smile a bit before leaving to join the team for our final breakfast together. Steve and I weren't the only ones Fury talked to. Bruce is going off somewhere else for research, Natasha's being shipped off on another mission, and Clint is heading home to wherever his home is. That's all classified, apparently. I miss Thor. It's been too long. Only Tony is remaining in New York. We pass around bagels and coffee, laughing and reminiscing, pushing off the inevitable moment where we all have to say goodbye. But it comes anyway.

Clint stands first, and the rest of us slowly follow.

"We're supposed to be ready at nine," Steve says, checking his watch. We have ten minutes.

"I'm going to miss you all," Bruce says. "Even you, Tony." We all crack up, and I give Bruce a high five.

"I need to get going. Got to catch a cab," Clint says. He seems almost eager to leave, like he can't wait to see someone. Maybe it's that girlfriend. Maybe she's not fake after all. Natasha gives him a hug, and the rest of us say our goodbyes. Right before he leaves, I stop him.

"Clint, wait!" He turns around, and I sigh. "Look, I just wanted to thank you all. I wouldn't be here without you, and you've all helped me in your own ways, so thank you."

"Hey, you're welcome," Clint says, grinning.

Natasha smiles at me. "You don't need to thank us. We're a family, we take care of each other." She gives me a tight hug. I'm not big on physical affection, but it's really nice, and I don't want to let go.

I hug Bruce, and Tony and I just stand in front of each other for a minute.

"We're not there yet, right?" He asks, giving me a snarky smile.

"Nope," I respond. Maybe someday.

"Fine with me. Take care, send me a postcard, don't let Cap get lost in the capital."

"That's right," I joke, "Fury stationed me there as Steve's babysitter."

"We need to get moving. Fury's never late," Steve says, cutting over our conversation. He's not mad, though. "Keep in touch, everyone."

"We will. Good luck, Steve," Natasha says. They wave to us as we leave. Jarvis' cool voice greets us as we ride down the elevator. I think I'll even miss him.

"Here, let me take that," Steve says, motioning to my bag. I know I could take it, but it's a sweet gesture.

"Thanks." I smile as he takes it and slings it around his shoulder. He's such a cutie, honestly. I don't think he's aware of it, either. It's so refreshing to have a man who treats a girl with respect and dignity. I unfortunately remember what it was like to be in a relationship where I was never the center of attention, only interesting when he was paying attention. That's not how it is anymore. Maybe I needed a little old-fashioned.

As we walk out into the sunshine, our hands find each other's. If nothing else, this is going to be an adventure.

Hey everyone! Kind of a cutesy chapter, but I am setting up the next big plot point, which you all know is TWS! Hope you're enjoying!

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