Chapter 15

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"Nothing. Our scanners haven't been able to find her at all." Bruce sits back in his chair, defeated.

"Well, we can't just give up. We have to find her!" It's been five days. She's gone, and we have no idea where she is. "She wouldn't have just run off. What if something happened?"

"Something definitely did happen," Tony responds, scrolling through police reports on his tablet. "We just don't know what yet."

The whole tower is worried. This is all we've been focused on. I've barely slept since America went missing. I try not to think of the worst case scenarios, but they definitely lurk in the back of my mind. "So what do we do? There has to be something we can do."

Nat sighs from her place on the couch. "I hate to say this, but there's not a lot that we can do. We have no way to track her, and she was practically a ghost before meeting us, so no one knows her. Essentially, we're stuck. We're at a stalemate."

Everyone is perturbed by her statement because it's true. 'Earth's Mightiest Heroes' have no way to do this.

"Hold it." Tony clicks something suddenly, eyes narrowing. "A day ago, there was a murder in Siberia. Some guy in a government position."

"What does that have to do with Lady America?" Thor asks, crossing his arms.

"I'm not done yet, Point Break. They're positive it was murder, but all the witnesses who were there saw no one."

"Tony, that's not really enough to prove anything-" Nat starts, but Tony cuts her off.

"There's a similar report from somewhere in Dubai. And one in London. JARVIS, pull up all similar files."

Six articles appear in midair. I examine them with worry. They're all a similar story. And then I remember something she told me. They called me the Night Wind, because I would kill so quickly. And then something else from Fury. An assassin so quick that her victims never saw her coming. And suddenly I'm certain it's her.

"Hydra," Nat snarls. I clench my fist under the table and will myself to keep a calm demeanor.

"That one. Zoom in," Tony commands, pointing to the one in Dubai. "Does this have a video?"

"Yes, sir. Do you wish to view it?"

"Yeah. Play it."

A mayor stands at a podium giving a speech. For a minute, everything seems normal. Then there's a slight wind, a knife in his back, and everyone screams.

It's her.

They've got her.

"She's been all over. No telling where she is now." Tony sighs, rubbing a tired hand over his face.

"We have to be able to do something-" Bruce begins desperately.

"I know how these people operate. She won't be seen unless they want her to be seen," Nat says. Her dark scowl shows just how upset she is.

"Someone needs to update Fury," Tony finally says. Bruce stands.

"I'll do it."

I've had enough. "I'll be right back." No one stops me, so I get out of the conference room as fast as I can, desperate for some air. I cross the living room and find myself on the balcony. It's a solid five minutes before I realize rain is pouring down on me. I literally couldn't care less.

She was finally starting to trust me. Trust us all. She was getting better. And I was starting to love her.

Why do I have to lose everyone I love?

An umbrella appears over my head. "Steve, you're soaking wet," Nat says softly.

"Noticed that, did you?" I reply in a feeble attempt at a joke. Water drips off of me.

She sighs. "Look, I know this is bad, but you need to calm down. The team needs you."

"I need to calm down? They took her back to that torture cell and are using her as a murderous puppet, and you want me to be okay with that?" She flinches at my harsh tone. I shake my head. "I'm sorry. It's just-"

"It's just?" She prompts, urging me to continue.

"I told her she'd be okay. That she could trust me. That I would keep her safe. And now..." I'm unable to finish my sentence. The guilt gnaws at me more than anything.

"This isn't your fault."

"Yeah? Well, it kind of feels like it."

"Listen, Steve. She's not some puny damsel, but she does need you. She doesn't need a helpless lovesick puppy. She doesn't need a leader who loses control. She needs Captain America."

The smallest smile forms on my face. "Why do you have to be right all of the time?"

"Because I'm the only one here with common sense." She winks and nudges my shoulder. We both stare out at the New York cityscape, watching the rain fall on tall buildings and unfortunate people. The raindrops pelt the umbrella, effectively protecting us. "We're going to get her back."

"I know. We'll have to play smart."

"Luckily, we have a pretty high combined IQ here in the tower. We'll figure something out," she responds. "So what are we going to do?"

"We're going to pull up all of America's records and information. See where she might have been, and see where she might be." A little bit of hope is building up inside of me, like a flickering candle. And it's more than just hope. It's determination. "It's going to be tough, but we can do it. Can you contact Fury for America's files?"

Nat smiles and hands me the umbrella. "You bet, Captain." She goes back inside. I stare at the sky for another minute.

"Hang on, doll. I'm coming."

I just watched Far From Home with one of my best friends yesterday. She had never seen it before, and she's a huge Marvel fan like me. When we got to the end credit scene, she fell off of t couch and couldn't talk properly for a solid five minutes after that. 😂😂😂😂😂

Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter! Steve's mad now!!

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