Chapter 18

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(Hey guys! The pic up here is America as the Night Wind, But picture her with a bit lighter hair)


"Remember the plan?" James' question jars me out of my trance-like state. Really, I'm just not focused.

"Yeah, I do."

"Just go figure out what's going on in that lab, then get the hell back here." His eyes meet mine. "Good luck."

"Thanks." I take a deep breath and leave.

The hallways are dark as I creep down them, trying to keep my footsteps silent. I grip James' clearance card in my hand, flicking it nervously. This is it. Three right turns until Strucker's lab. I need to be quick.

Quick! I almost slap myself in the face when I realize that I could be running. I zoom there without hesitation. The windows are as dirty as ever, so I can't fully peek in. A flash of the clearance card, and the door swings open.

Empty. There's no one in here. Despite its outward appearance, the place is as neat and sterile as a bar of soap. I pull a file from his desk and examine the contents, careful to stay out of the light.

Wanda Maximoff
Age 20
Native of Sokovia
Telekinesis, Telepathy, and Energy Manipulation

Along with this information is a picture of a girl with auburn hair and dark, hollow eyes. These must be the people he's experimenting on. I move onto the second file, which is much more interesting to me.

Pietro Maximoff
Age 20
Native of Sokovia
Enhanced Speed, Stamina and Agility

They must be twins. Hm. There's a picture of a young man a few years younger than me with wild blue eyes and platinum hair. And he's fast, just like me. By scanning his abilities, I can easily tell that our abilities are incredibly similar. For all I know, he could be an improved version of me.

"Why?" I whisper to myself. What is the purpose of hiding these people from me? I have nothing to do with them. Their names mean nothing to me. I flip through Pietro's file some more, but the sound of an alarm stops me in my tracks.

I instantly tense up. I need to get out, but I need to do one more thing. My fingers fly across the computer keyboard, breaking into the security system. I have time, I have time, I'm repeating frantically in my mind. "Coordinates," I mutter, scanning the system. I type in the location and a desperate plea for help to anyone who might find it. Then I kick the screen with force, cutting the power off. No evidence.

"Hey!" The doors bang open, revealing multiple agents who are bigger than me. My eyes widen and I do the only thing I can do: run.

I run. I run past the agents, through the hallways, as fast and as far as I can. But the place is on lockdown. There's nowhere to go.

"America!" I hear in the distance. I stop in my tracks.

"James!" I screech, then clap a hand over my mouth. Stupid! You had a chance! But I've left him before. I'm not leaving him again. I change course for the bunk room, knowing that it's a bad idea and doing it anyway. I shove open the door. "James?"

A bullet pierces my shoulder. I gasp in pain, not having expected it at all. An agent steps out of the shadows. Within seconds, I'm surrounded, struggling against people I know I have no chance of taking down. Someone shoves a gag in my mouth. I'm at their mercy. Mercy. As if there's such a thing.

"Take her to the lab," one of them commands. They practically drag me there. Once we're in the room, they strap me to a chair. The same man, the one with a weird monocle, then orders them all to leave. "What did you find in there?" he hisses, inches from my face. He rips the gag out of my mouth.

"Nothing!" I say. He roughly slaps me across the face. It smarts, and my eyes water. I realize who it is: Strucker himself. I saw a picture in the lab.

"Lies. I don't know how much you discovered, and how you even discovered it in the first place, but you are sorely mistaken if you believe that I will not be able to find out." An electric shock courses through my body, and I scream like I never have before. Every cell cries out in agony as I bite back inevitable tears. He points to my wrist, where a faint scar reads my newly discovered name. "It seems you know more than you let on. And I want to know what you were doing sneaking into my lab!"

"I'm... not telling you... anything," I whimper. My chest rises and falls rapidly as I try to catch my breath.

"We'll see about that."


They throw me into a dingy, dark cell hours later. At least it feels like hours. It's hard to tell. I land on the cold concrete without the strength to push myself back up. My body is weak from electrocution, my back bloody from whipping. Bruises dot my skin like clouds dot the sky. I can't stop shaking. All I want to do is close my eyes and die.

Everything aches. They played with my brain but left memories for further inspection. At least I'm still America. I'm still me. A girl who is praying to black out so she doesn't have to endure any more pain.

My blood mixes with the coat of grime on the floor, creating a disgusting substance I can't get away from. As I exhale, I realize it's cold enough for my breath to materialize in the air in front of my eyes. With trembling fingers, I pull the leather jacket over me, the only thing I have to keep myself warm.

I have no doubt that James' memories are gone by now. He could be on another mission, blissfully unaware of my existence. I tried to save him. That's what got me into this mess. What if they hurt him, too? Although I think losing two super soldiers would be too much in one day for Hydra to bear.

After minutes or hours, days or seconds, I finally fall into a fitful sleep.

"Here, look that way," a boy instructed me. I spun my head away from the game and when I turned back, I found his piece in the winning spot, the spot I was just about ready to take. "I win."

"No fair! You cheated!" I shouted, but it was playful. The boy's bright blue eyes danced wildly as he laughed.

"What? You didn't see that coming?"

"I always see that coming. I just hope for better."

He slung an arm around my shoulder. "Hope as many times as you want."

I open my eyes wearily, not bothering to sit up. I have no idea what that was, if it was a dream or flashback or hallucination. And I'm too tired to care, so I close my eyes and quickly fall back asleep.

Hi!!! Today at school I got to watch a handful of high school guys try to sing, so you can imagine how that was :) so fun

Anyway, what do you think of this chapter? What's going to happen?

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