Chapter 13

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"Open your eyes, you ungrateful little thing." I do as the voice says with a groan. Everything hurts, aches. The room is dark, musty-smelling, and I'm strapped into a metal chair. A faint light flickers on and off above me. I immediately know there's no use in struggling.

"Why can I still remember?" I ask slowly, trying to hide the terror in my voice. They haven't taken my memories yet. I'm still me. America Evans. Not their weapon, not their toy, not a murderous doll on strings.

"Because before we take everything from you, we want to make you pay for defying us." An unfamiliar doctor steps out of the shadows. I stiffen. I'm no stranger to torture, but it always hurts the same. "We only put you under so you wouldn't make a break for it when we took you here."

"Smart plan," I say bravely, but I don't feel brave. This place is the place of my nightmares. I'm here every night. And unlike the tower, there's no Steve to keep me grounded.

"I know. And to think, you actually believed you escaped. You thought you were safe."

He grins maliciously. "You thought wrong."

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