Chapter 7

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"Okay, final conference for the whole Loki thing today!" Tony announces to the team, clapping his hands together in the back of our limo. My personal plan is to hang back and act like I don't exist. I'm not an official member of the team yet, and I really don't want to talk to people, anyway. I'm only going because Fury believes that if I'm joining the team, others should get used to seeing me. "Everyone knows the plan? Let's go over the plan one more time!"

"Be nice if they ask questions!" Clint says. It's like he's a student answering a question correctly.

"Don't say anything idiotic," Natasha continues monotonously, making fun of Tony's incessant reminders.

"Let you do all the talking!" Bruce adds, then hesitates. "Guys, should we really be doing that?"

"I think we should probably scratch that part of the plan," Nat offers. "I vote Cap as our main voice today." 


"Me too!"

"Sounds like a better plan!"

I keep my mouth shut. I do agree, but I still don't feel like I have a vote here yet.

"Um...guys!" Tony says annoyingly, slightly desperate. What an attention hog. I still haven't decided if I like him. He's funny, for sure, but arrogant.

"If Tony wants to talk," Steve says reasonably, "I don't mind stepping back." I've never seen him in a normal suit. He looks really nice, I think, then internally scold myself.

"Well, we all want you to talk," Nat cuts over him. "Aren't you all about democracy?"

After another half an hour of debates and arguments, we decide that Steve and Tony will both talk for the group. I feel self-conscious. Everyone looks so nice. I smooth out my fitted black dress, give my sleek ponytail a final twirl, and try to regain a sense of calm as the limo pulls up to the curb.

"Okay, team, smiles on. Let's charm them!" Tony says, stepping out before anyone else can, ever the showman. He navigates this terrain flawlessly. Cameras begin to flash, filling the air with lights and clicks. As soon as I exit the car, I freeze. I've never done anything remotely like this before. No attention has been on me for years. Panic fills my lungs, making it hard to focus on anything. Come on, America.

"It's okay. Breathe," Steve whispers in my ear. "Just keep smiling and ignore them. Follow me." I gratefully let him take the lead, past the photographers, past the interviewers, and into the building. As soon as the doors shut, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Are you okay?" Steve asks, blue eyes meeting mine. I let out a shaky laugh.

"How do you guys do that?"

He smiles. "You get used to it." He puts a gentle hand on my back, guiding me towards the elevator with the others.

"Do you have a plan of what you're going to say?" I ask.

"I'll let Tony talk first, then do the clean up, clarifying, and apologies. Like always."

The conference itself doesn't last that long. Mostly just Steve and Tony explaining how Thor is bringing Loki back to Asgard tomorrow to pay for his crimes, and the whole thing will officially be over. The minute they finish speaking, reporters crowd the podiums, trying to get exclusives. The team begins to mingle, but I hang by the edge of the room, trying to remain unnoticed.

It doesn't work. "Hello," a middle-aged man in a suit says. His voice is pleasant, but I kind of hate it.

"Hello," I say stiffly, avoiding eye contact. I don't like encounters like this at all. I have no idea who this man is. "I apologize, but I don't know your name."

"That's quite all right," he says, laughing a bit as he holds out a hand. He has a weak shake. "I'm Alexander Pierce, Secretary of the World Security Council."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Secretary." Something about him bugs me. Not in a creepy way, but in an odd, Deja Vu style. The way he looks at me... it's like he knows me, somehow. Recognizes me. But that's impossible. No one does. I don't even know who I am.

"Ah. You must be the new recruit Fury mentioned. What is your name?"

"America Evans."

"America? Uncommon name," he comments idly, observing the room.

"Yes, it is."

"And what is your ability? How will you be contributing to the Avengers?" Don't you already know? Surely you have this information if you're in contact with Fury. So why ask me?

"I have enhanced speed, Mr. Secretary. A mutation since birth," I lie. I don't care that he's some big government official. I don't trust this man at all.

"That's very fascinating."

"Hey, America, are you ready to get going?" Bruce asks, saving me from this really uncomfortable conversation that I desperately want to leave.

"Absolutely," I say, giving Pierce a final nod. "A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Secretary." He smiles. I've always been a good liar.

"The feeling is mutual, Miss Evans," he replies. He looks at me one more time, that odd look of familiarity still in his eyes. Then Bruce leads me away, back towards the group.

"Thanks," I tell Bruce, who shrugs.

"You looked uncomfortable. We're heading out anyway, so I figured I'd come rescue you. I know you didn't want to talk much today."

"Something about him weirded me out." My fingers tap at my side, little blurs of motion. Nervous habit.

"None of us particularly like him, but cooperation is necessary."

"I guess."

"We ready to go?" Tony asks. We all nod. "Great. I'm starving."

I don't laugh, but I do smile.

Hey! What do you think of this scene? Friendly reminder: Alexander Pierce is a sneaky dude.

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