Chapter 9

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"Miss Evans, your presence is requested in the gym." Jarvis' voice brings me out of a too-short slumber.

"Why?" I ask groggily, pulling the blankets off of me.

"They would like to test your abilities and train, as you will soon become an Avenger."

"Oh." I knew they would ask sooner or later. "Who's down there?"

"Captain Rogers, Mister Stark, Doctor Banner, Miss Romanoff and Thor."

"The whole gang," I mutter, dragging myself out of bed. "Where's Clint?"

"He left this morning."


"He went home."

"That's right. I forgot everyone doesn't live here. Tell them I'll be down in ten, please."

With my abilities, I'm able to do everything faster than the average human. It's the stamina. Within minutes, I've brushed my teeth, braided my hair, and gotten dressed. I hesitate over my outfit choice. I need something I can easily move in, so I change into a pair of black leggings and a light blue tank top. Then I grab a granola bar and run to the elevator.

"Morning, sunshine!" Tony sings as I enter. "Someone slept in today!"

I blush. I overslept because of my mental breakdown last night. I can feel Steve's eyes on me, so I just shrug nonchalantly. "I was tired."

"Hopefully you're not anymore. We have some fun planned for today."

"What am I doing first?" I ask.

"We want to test your abilities so we can utilize them fully," Bruce explains. "First we want you to fight Nat."

"Really?" I don't want to do that. I like Natasha a lot. I turn to her. Her dark red hair is tied back in a ponytail and she's in all black workout clothes. "Last time I did that, I knocked you out."

"I wouldn't be too worried," she says, her voice almost threatening. It's like a challenge. "I'm not going to play easy."

"She's the best person for you to spar with. Your frame is similar, it should be a fair and good fight," Thor booms as he munches on a pop tart.

"And none of us saw you fight her before," Steve continues.

I sigh. "Fine." I let Bruce attach these little things to me that monitor heart rate and body levels before heading to the mat to stretch out.

"You ready?" Nat asks, cracking her knuckles.

"I'm always ready." I play defensive, waiting for Natasha to make the first move. Judging by what I know of her, it won't be too long. She isn't very patient. Just as I expected, she throws the first punch, which I easily dodge. I get a good kick at her side. Natasha twists and makes to go left, but hits right at the last second. I let her strike me again, gritting my teeth at the pain. The best way to win this will be manipulation. I play like an average fighter, but just as she aims for me again, I find her weak spot: her legs. That's how I got her last time. At the last second, she lunges for me, but I kick her legs out from underneath her and pin her to the gym floor.

"What? You didn't see that coming?" I grin as she struggles against me, but I'm too strong for her. "Yield?"

She tries to get up one more time, but my hold on her is too steady. I've got her. "Yeah. Let me up."

"You're too predictable. You don't protect your legs."

"I went easy on you," is all she says, but I can easily see through the lie.

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