Chapter 28

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"This is the building, right?" I ask, peering up at a tall, relatively modern apartment complex.

"Yeah. Through here, I think," Steve responds. He holds open the door for me and we journey into the lobby.

"We need to go upstairs," I say, remembering something a SHIELD agent told me. "We're on the top floor." I didn't like that. It doesn't feel secure to me, but they're paying, so I can't be picky. Steve and I get in the elevator and ride up.

"So, our rooms should be right down this hall," Steve says, reading aloud from the paper Fury gave us. "Here they are. 626 and 628." He tosses me a pair of keys. I grin and unlock my own door.

The room isn't too small or too big. Light streams through the windows, providing me with a beautiful view of the Washington Monument. There's a small kitchen connected with a living room. I could totally see myself reading on those couches or watching movies with Steve. Smiling, I move onto the next room, which is a small bedroom. Already I can't wait to decorate this place, make it my home. We have to go shopping soon. For now, I dump my bag on the bed and place a photo of Steve and I on the nightstand. Tony somehow managed to get a picture of the day I gave Steve a piggyback ride around the tower. It only happened once, because I was sore for the next two days, but it was totally worth it. I smile at the little frame before wandering back out into the living room. I find another door. Thinking it's the bathroom, I push it open, only to hear a large thud followed by a yelp.

"Ow!" Steve stumbles backwards, covering his nose. My eyes widen as blood starts to spurt from his nostrils and I put the pieces together. I think I just broke my boyfriend's nose with a door.

"Steve! Oh no, I am so sorry, I swear I thought that was the bathroom door!"

"No, it's okay. That's what I thought, too" he mumbles through his hand. "If you had waited another second, you'd be the one with a bloody nose."

"Let me get you some ice." I rush over to his freezer, where there are luckily a few ice packs. I hand one to him along with a few tissues.

"Thanks," He says, applying it to his face.

"I hope it doesn't bruise," I say, worry in my voice. I try to look at his nose, but he won't let me.

"I'm going to be fine. I don't even think you broke it."

"For what it's worth, I really am sorry," I apologize. He just grins and shakes his head.

"So apparently our apartments are connected," he jokes.

A grin finds its way to my face. "Yeah, I noticed." We both break into laughter. I laugh so hard that I actually lay down on the ground. After the bleeding stops, Steve joins me.

Eventually our laughter subsides and we're just laying on his apartment kitchen floor. My head on his chest, his arm around me. The sun sets through the window, shining its golden hour down on the two of us. I'm more at peace than I've been for weeks. Before I know it, I've drifted off.

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