Chapter 23

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Over the next few days, I start to come out of my protective little shell. I eat meals with the team and slowly work on talking to them all again. I've really missed them, and I'd like to think they missed me, too. By the end of the week, the only things I've downright refused to do are helping in the labs and training, and no one blames me for that.

I wake up early on Saturday morning but I'm somehow more energized than usual. Inspired by this burst of happiness, I decide to get dressed, pulling on a 'Friends' t-shirt and a pair of black jeans before embarking on a hunt for breakfast. A very important journey indeed.

No one, not even Steve or Bruce, is up yet. I check my watch. 7:09. That's not overly early for some of them. Maybe Steve is out running and Bruce is already down in the lab.

As first one up, I turn on the coffee pot for the team. The sweet aroma fills the modern kitchen as I dig around for cereal, humming Dear Evan Hansen to myself. It's my newest musical obsession. A newspaper lays idly in the counter, so I grab it while waiting for the coffee to brew. I start to flip to the events portion, hoping to find an art exhibit, but the headlines on the front page stop me in my tracks.

Avengers Harbor "Reformed" Terrorist

"What?" I whisper to myself, terrified to read further, but I know I have to. I put the newspaper down on the counter because my fingers are shaking too badly to read the tiny font.

Seven months ago, the Avengers defeated forces from space in the Battle of New York. A short time after this, they were seen to be associating with a new member of their team. The woman, who we have discovered to be America Evans, has enhanced speed and agility, causing her to be one of the fastest and deadliest humans alive. This was proved true when she disappeared shortly after her initial introduction. She spent months working for Hydra, a terrorist organization we believe to be based in Europe, killing innocents ruthlessly.

Recently, Miss Evans has been recovered by the Avengers. She is living in Avengers Tower, previously Stark Tower. All of the Avengers, even Tony Stark himself, refused to comment on this matter. However, how do we know this girl is truly reformed? Is she just waiting for the right moment to strike? Only time will tell, but until then, we and the Avengers should keep our eyes open.

For a minute, I don't even know what to do. I don't know how to process it. But slowly, the pieces start to fit together. That's why they've been keeping me away from the news. It explains all of those newspapers in the trash. And they all knew about it.

More than anything, I feel betrayed. I was finally starting to trust them all again, but they kept this a secret from me. I don't know if I can forgive them for that.

People really think that about me? A terrorist? Ruthless?

The elevator slides open, and I jump, but it's only Steve, still in his workout clothes. He must have been downstairs training. I hide the paper behind my back.

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