Chapter 42

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In the distance, I can clearly see Steve and Sam running for their lives, yelling at each other the entire time. I'm gone for ten minutes and this happens. Shaking my head, I arrive next to them within seconds.

"On your left. What's up, boys?" I tease, winking. Steve shakes his head, but at least he's smiling. Until he sees me holding my side with one hand. Then the smile disappears.

"Did you get shot again?"

"No! I'm not that irresponsible. Rumlow was mean to me, Steve, he kicked me in the side," I whine playfully.

"I'll have to take care of him later, then."

"You better."

"Could you two stop flirting for two seconds?!?" Sam asks, exasperated. He ducks to dodge anyone bullet. "Cap, how do we know the good guys from the bad guys?"

"If they're shooting at you, they're bad." Sam nods and flies off, leaving the two of us.

"Great advice," I mutter, narrowly dodging bullets with him.

"Thanks. I try."

"Hey, Cap, I found those bad guys you were talking about!"

"You okay?" Steve asks. I bite my lip and pray that he is.

"I'm not dead yet," Sam replies, which does actually make me feel better.

I turn to Steve. "We have to get inside to shut it down." It's our lives versus the lives of billions. He understands what I'm trying to say.

"Go. I'll catch up."

I kick up the speed and arrive at the doors of the Hellicarrier. Two Hydra agents meet me at the entrance, menacingly holding up large guns. Ugh. I don't want to get shot again. Hand to hand is where I really shine. I sweep the first's legs out from beneath him while grabbing the other's arm and twisting the gun out of his grasp. This makes it very easy to hit the one on the ground with the butt of the gun, effectively knocking him out. But as soon as I take down the other one, I see more coming.

"Steve, where are you?" I hiss, ducking under a punch. I can handle myself against a few agents, but they just keep coming and my side hurts too much for it to be good news.

"Eight minutes, Evans," Hill's harried voice reminds.

"I know! I'm working on it! Where's Steve?" I can't get hysterical, not now. I take all of my emotions out on the next opponent. It's the only way to survive. Staying still gets you killed. "Steve, get your patriotic you-know-what over here now!"

A familiar shield flies through the air and hits the final agent in the head, knocking him backward.

"Took you long enough," I mutter. I press my hand to my side for a few seconds, hoping to stem the blood I know is starting to leak through my bandages. Steve grabs the shield from the ground and glances at me, concern in his blue eyes.

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