Chapter 1: The Devil Was Also An Angel

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A long time ago, when the universe was very young. There was an angel who was born of inner light. He was the second son of the most high. The father of all things in our known universe, God. His second born child was named Samael. His name meaning lightbringer or morningstar. God as being the creator or all things, knew that his second born child would rise against him one day. Samael was the brightest of all of God's children. For he created light. But his most amazing accomplishment could be admired in the night sky, the stars. As time passed, God had began his project of humanity and the fall of his son was close at hand.

God created the land and the sea. He made animals of all different kinds to roam the earth. He created fish to swim in the sea, sheep to walk the earth and birds to fly in the sky. As soon as he was finished creating the world, he started to create mankind on earth. He created a man out of the dust and water. God called the man Adom. Adom took care of God's creation and named every animal. God also created a partner for Adom. Adom was put into a deep sleep while God created a new creature with a rib of the man. The new creature was called a Women. She was made with the flesh of Adam and with the inner light of the lord.

Samael was enchanted with his father's creation. For he had never seen such beauty in his life before. He was especially attracted to the women. He observed the earth from heaven.He longed to be closer to her despite his father's rules about humanity being exposed to divinity. He did not care about the rules and flew down to earth. The young angel shapeshifted into a snack and approached the women who was later named Eve. Eve was a gentle nature and was always filled with kindness. She cared for the snake and treated it with respect. Offering it fresh fruit and water. The snake tried to speak but all that came out was a light hissing sound. Samael returned to the garden every other day to visit the woman as a boa constrictor snake.With each visit he become less nervous and his hisses soon become words.

Eve was sitting under a plum tree as Adam was drinking fresh water from the river. She laughed softly as she felt the familiar slither of the snake on here legs. " You are back my friend. Welcome and please join me". The snake slithered it's way to her arm and said, " Hello Eve. Has my father indeed said that you shall not eat of every tree in the garden?". Eve shook her head, " We may eat of the fruits of the trees in the garden. But of the fruit of the tree that's in the middle of the garden. God has said, ( You shall not eat of it nor shall you touch it. Alas you die)". The snake got closer to her , " You will not die. For my father knows that once you eat of it. You will know good and evil and right and wrong". With that said the snake left the garden. The snake's words bounced in her head all night. She woke before sunrise the next day. She left Adam to rest as she went to the tree of knowledge. She picked the fruit of the tree and ran back to Adam. She took a bite of the apple and before she could take another. Adom woke up. She offered him the apple and he ate. As the sun started to rise they saw light for the first time. They felt ashamed and covered themselves with leaves.

God knew what had happened for he is all knowing. God went down to earth accompanied by his two eldest sons. Amenadiel his first born and Samael his second born. The two young angels remained silent as they walked beside their father. " Adam. Where are you Adam?". The man and the woman hide themselves behind a large tree as they heard God's voice. Adam came out from behind the tree, " I heard your voice in the garden and I ran. I was afraid because I was naked". God looked down at the remains of the apple that was placed before him by Amenadiel. " Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten the fruit of the tree that I commanded you not to eat?". Adam took a shaky breath but before he could answer. Eve walked up to the lord and fell to her knees, " I gave him of the tree that I ate. The snake deceived me". The lord was pleased with her honesty and told her that the snake was more cursed than all cattle. That her seed shall bruise its head and that his seed shall bruise their heal.

For what they have done they were not allowed to eat of the fruits of the garden. They had to work the soil and care for the animals of the earth in order to receive it's fruits. God forbade Samael from visiting the earth but that did not stop him from doing so. He flew down to earth in search for the woman. His wings glowed bright and where very beautiful. Eve saw the young angel's glow and hid behind a tree. He walked further into the darkness, " Don't be afraid Eve". Eve recognized his voice and stepped out into the moonlight. She faced him with a shine in her eyes. " It's you. You are the snake and the angel that stood near god". He nodded, " I am and I have come with a message from my father. In pain you shall bring forth children. In exactly two years time, you shall bring into this world two sons. One shall kill the other and you'll then bring into this world two daughters who shall bring light into your broken heart". Eve was happy and concerned with the message sent by god. The angel turned and walked away. As he left ,Eve was left in the dark. Eve ran after the angel and grabbed his arm, " Wait! Angel! What's your name?". He turned, " Samael the lightbringer. The first star in the sky. The morningstar. But my mum calls me Lucifer". He turned once again to leave but then was stopped when Eve hugged him from behind. He hugged her back but said nothing. She locked eyes with him and pulled him closer to her. She kissed him softly as Samael's brain was trying to process what was happening. He soon returned her kiss, " Be fruitful and multiply. This encounter shall maybe never happen again. When it comes to these sort of things, he's quite judgy". He gave her a little nod and left.

The kiss was never mentioned but God knew that it's wasn't his son's intention. What Samael said soon came true, Eve gave birth to two sons. One killed the other and she gave birth again. Some died and others are born. It's a hard lesson but it's a lesson one must learn. A few hundred years passed and humanity forgot about god. The world became poisoned and god would soon destroy what he had once created. God told all of his Angels to destroy his creation. Samael and his siblings did as they were told and sent a deadly plague upon the world. During the first plague, Samael tried to talk his father to not destroy the world but God did not listen. God sent his children to kill all women. Samael and Azrael were sent to kill all children first. As he entered the first home. A woman with two young children screamed, " Please!! No!! Not my children!!". Samael pushed the women a side as he lifted his sword and killed the children. Within one night all the children of the world where no more. That night the cry of all the women of the world was heard. The sun killed all the animals and dried all the plants. The winds picked up and the water began to cover the land. Samael absorbed the deaths with each plague that was sent. In his eyes where sorrow and anger. He flew fast to heaven and entered his father's throne room. His mother by his father's side. " Father I wish you have chosen another to destroy your creation in your name. All this pain and devastation. It torches me inside. Think of all the innocent who suffered from your stubbornness and pride!". Samael flapped his wings violently at his father. Azrael the youngest daughter of God stood behind her mother. " Lucifer! The world has become poisoned with evil. It had to be distorted". Samael started at his mother and father, " But mum. All those innocent children that I killed didn't deserve this. Forced to kill in the name of my father. Forced to die in the name of my father. But the screaming voices of their mothers is all that.... was heard after!!!". God stood from his throne, " I knew this day would come Samael. You are unworthy of heaven. You are unworthy of your title and name". The other Angels surrounded their father. " I God. Father of all things. Cast you Lucifer out!". A large wind blew with God's anger. Samael flew into the wind as the other Angels flew after him. They hurt him and kicked him out of heaven. Lucifer fell backwards as the gates were closed. Azrael opens the gates and tried to catch his hand as he fell. But her other siblings blocked her from reaching him.

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