Chapter 5: Angel & Devil

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Back at the station things weren't going so well. It took longer to solve cases and it was harder to make criminals confess. The station really missed Lucifer and Rick often wondered when he would be back. But no one seemed to miss Lucifer as much as Chloe. She would often look to her side hopping to him standing there. When Ella returned everything was different. Even she looked different. She looked so happy and she held onto her faith even stronger than before. Ella ran LUX as normal and it felt weird to Chloe. To enter the penthouse and find her living there. The first night that Ella was back in LA. She invited Chloe and Linda to join her at the penthouse. They all served each other drinks and told secrets. " Ella how was your trip to London?" asked Linda with a smile. " Well it was amazing. Lucifer has an estate and beautiful horses. But London is a beautiful place. It's very peaceful but I really got to know the London Police Department very well" Ella said happily. Chloe looked bother by something and said, " London Police Department. What were you doing there?". Ella signed, " Well it's the place Lucifer would go to sometimes. I often saw him talking to a women their. I still can't tell if she was an officer or a detective because let me tell you. I can't tell the difference between their uniforms. But she would sometimes come by the estate and have dinner with us. Her name is Jane and she looked around the age of 28. She also has a little sister that would come over as well". Chloe felt a jealous sensation at the thought of Lucifer being with someone else. She wished that she could fly to London and dag him back to LA with her. But she had responsibilities back her. Chloe drank more of the Whiskey while everyone else choose a room in the penthouse. Chloe took off her clothes. Leaving her bra and underwear on. She opened Lucifer's closet and found a black long sleeve dress shirt. She put it on and smelled it. Her heart began to flutter at the familiar scent. It smelled of him and as she slept in his bed. She held onto her necklace and wished for Lucifer to come back.

By nine months, the child was 9 years old and Luz was starting to show her gift. The gift to control the elements. Luz sat on the grass with her feet cross along side Lucifer and Maze. Maze and Lucifer where relax. While Luz was getting inpatient and kept fidgeting with her wings. " Adea Luz Morningstar. Have patience" he said in a calm voice. Luz pouted, " But brother I can't. Your wings are calm and mine won't stop moving!". Lucifer remain calm, " That's because you are moving them. If you don't learn to meditate and remain calm. How do you expect to control your gift?". He could sense his sister was upset. He turned to his loyal demon with his eyes closed, " Maze?". She nodded, " Luz. Breath in and out. Relax. Listen to everything around you. Listen to the river that flows smoothly. Listen to the ring of Big Ben in the distance. Listen to the horses grazing in the fields". A harsh wind was felt as Luz tried to control her gift. " Focus Luz", his eyes wide open. Maze opened her eyes and saw her boss's hair flying like crazy along with her own. Soon the wind lowered as Luz relaxed. " Luz grab the dirt that is under you and bend the wind to your hand". Luz did as her brother asked and Lucifer's eyes glowed with pride. " Hold the dirt in one hand and with the other spin your finger slightly above the dirt". Maze and Lucifer observed as Luz's finger started spinning the dirt off her hand as it spinned quickly. She had created a small tornado. " Well done", Lucifer memered in a slow and soft voice. He ordered her sister to open her eyes to see what she has created . She could not believe what she was doing. She lifted her hand to the air and the little tornado vanished. Learning to control her gift was only the bringing. Learning to bend and influence the elements was one of the most important lessons of all.

By a year after her birth she was 12 years old and was learning how to influence the elements. She was able to control the weather, rain, sun and clouds. Able to create fire with her with her mind and cover the a bright sunny day with clouds within seconds. Her lesson was almost over. But as with all lessons there is a test. Another year had passed and Luz was 24 years old. The day that she had been waiting for had finally arrived. The day of her test. The day she won't only show her brother that she had mastered his teachings but also that she loved him. Luz wore a beautiful light blue cloak that matched her beautiful Ocean eyes. While Lucifer wore a solid black cloak. Maze started attacking her and throwing her knifes at her. Luz was able to duke her attacks but only used her gifts lightly. Maze wanted her to use her full strength but maybe she needed the right motivation. " Well Luz. Your worse than I thought." Maze said as she pushed her to the ground. Lucifer watched on from a close distance. Maze turned to Lucifer and he nodded at her. Maze smiled and razed the hell blade to her face, " This is for all you've done kid". Maze through the blade and Luz got off the ground as the blade as headed towards Lucifer. Luz lifted her hands and lifted the water from the nearest pond. The blade stopped right at Lucifer's face. When the blade traverse through the wall of water that Luz had created. " Well done. I would say that you passed", Lucifer said grabbing the blade. She returned the water to the pond and hugged her brother. She looked angrily at Maze. How could she through her blade at him? Maze saw her gaze, " The final lesson child is that a gift is about emotion. Lucifer can light up Azrael's blade with his emotion and Amenadiel uses his emotions to stop time. You must have control over your emotions in order to use your gifts well. You just needed the right motivation" Maze said giving Luz a slight smile. Luz was happy to have passed her test and maybe now she can finally see the world beyond the sea.

Detective Douche

Hey, Lucifer. Listen we have a very high profile case that we can't do without you. Lieutenant Rick has called a code red and all hands on deck. So please. Get on the next available plane to Los Angeles. That's Rick's orders Lucifer. We await your arrival.

Lucifer got the text late at night. He looked at it and without a single doubt went rushing down the stairs and found everyone in the living room. Everyone except Maze. " Attention everyone. I have to go back to Los Angeles. Brother please tell Maze to meet me in Dublin and from there we will go together". Lucifer hugged his little sisters who were scared, " This is a dangerous case and I can't afford for you two to get hurt. Go to bed and I'll be back as soon as this case is closed", he said in a soft voice. Azrael and Luz both didn't want their brother to leave but they knew that he had to go. Lucifer stepped into the garden and started to run. As he picked up speed, his wings unfolded and carried him into the night sky.

An hour later Maze arrived and was told by Amenadiel that her master had left. That he was waiting for her in Dublin. She nodded but before she left, she turned to face the younger angels. " I need you two to stay here because this case is dangerous". She turned to Amenadiel, " I have to go. Who knows what trouble Lucifer might get into". She rushed out the door and took a large whiff of air. She catches his sent and ran quickly towards her master. Within seconds Maze was out of sight. She ran swiftly through the night as she tracked him for hours. She caught sight of him at edge of a cliff. " Just on time Maze. It's burly midnight". Mazikeen smiled and stood next to him. " You know that I'll always find you. I'm all yours master. Just like the first time that you claimed me as your own. Remember?", she kissed his check softly. He smiled and held his hands in hers. " I do Mazikeen. I remember. Are you ready?", he asked in a low voice. She turned to him and bowed her head slightly. He hugged her and she smiled deeply. He whispered in her ear, " Goodbye Mazikeen", he pushed her off the cliff. As she fell, she yelled her masters name and for the first time she felt fear. Lucifer turned his back to the cliff and left himself fall. He caught Maze in his arms and opened his wings. " I hate you Lucifer", she hit him hard on the sholder as he flew fracfully across the sea. " And I love you too Mazie. We will be there by morning", he flew whiff and fast with his demon his arms.

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