Chapter 21: Protection

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They arrived back home the next day after spending their last night at the Disney hotel. Everyone was tired and sat down to eat something decent. Some pancakes and eggs. It was enough to satisfy the hungry. The honey dripped down Trixie's face as she ate, " Trixie clean up your face sweetie", said Chloe in a cheerful tone. There is laughter in the room once Ella notices Lucifer. He was licking is fingers which were covered in honey. After a lovely breakfast, Lucifer heard a whisper from his father. It was time for him to return to the silver city. Chloe seemed to cling on him more this time, not letting him go. She couldn't loss him again. Not after that magical kiss. Lucifer looked her in the eyes and told her that he needed to go but that he would always be near.

A few weeks passed since the kiss that he had shared with Chloe. He was was teaching Azreal and Luz how to speak Spanish. When, he started to hear a voice in his ear. It started as a whisper but then turned louder, just a little. Even at a whisper the voice seemed to be pleading for help. He frozen as he realizes who the voice was. It was Trixie, she sounded scared and tariffied. " Lucifer, I'm scared. There is a man with a gun in my class.... I don't want to die. Please come and help...", those words race through his mind like a raging river. In a heartbeat he flapped his wings and was at the school.

The LAPD was called in for help. Something about a shooting at Trixie's school, Chloe and Dan were held back as they tried to run to the school. They couldn't do anything with a worried mind, they had to calm down until they are allowed to help. They went in, in groups of six to each part of the school. Gun in hands they looked around the corners in search for the attackers. " Ok. Blue Jenes, black shirt, both white men, ages of 23- 25, and carrying guns", the descriptions of the men race in their minds as the officers took careful steps. Judging by the large bullets on the floor, the guns were rifles.

Trixie and her classmates huddled in one corner of the room as their teacher, Ms. Erika protected them. Placing herself in front of them she looked on bravely at the attacks, " Don't hurt them. They are innocent kids. Please just put the gun down". She said with a shaky voice trying to help the child calm down. One of the men told her to shut the hell up and sent a bullet to the roof. Making the entire room uneasy, they children screamed and cried. Lucifer heard this and ran. The two gunmen pointed their guns at Trixie who was scared but remained brave. " You. I don't like your reaction", he glared at her and shot. Ms. Erika pushed Trixie fast and received a shot to the gut. Ms. Erika fell to the floor in pain, blood staining the floor. She choked on her own blood as the died.

Lucifer kicked open the door. He flapped his wings sending the men flying. They shot him but to their surprise it did nothing. Lucifer's eyes glowed with hellfire, with his anger. " How dare you harm my child! This poor woman! These innocent children who have done nothing to you! I will make sure that you pay for all eternity for what you done!", he said angely with a cold voice. He grabbed the men, as much as he wanted to rip their arms and legs off like a touchy leg. He knew it was not right. So, he twisted metal from the chairs and they were stuck. Lucifer carried Trixie in his arms as he flapped his wings. He disappeared in a flash of slight. He shed the holy light into the criminals eyes and they were left blind. No longer will they be able to harm anyone again. Azreal came soon after his brother left. She took the soul of Ms. Erika to the silver city. For she had a special place in heaven for her sacrifice.

The Police entered the door to find the children crying over the dead body of their teacher. The gunmens were properly arrested and taken to be sentenced for their crimes. Dan and Chloe were still held outside the school when they were needed due to a homicide. Both Detectives noticed that this was Trixie's room and that the victim was Trixie's teacher. Ella entered right after them and was frozen in shock. A hole in the roof and a teacher with a bullet shot to the chest. But in the center of the room there were bullets, not the cap. Someone intervened and none of the kids were able to give a clear description of what happened. All they knew was that someone saved them and that Trixie was gone.

Lucifer carried Trixie off into the sky. They flew out of the city and the state of California. They flew until his wings were tired and sore from the long journey. He put her down in in state of Nevada where a warm meal awaited him. Candy welcomed them in her home but wondered why he suddenly called in. " Lucifer. It is not safe for you to be traveling alone with a child. She needs her mother", Lucifer cuts her off fast. "No. No. What this child needs is my protection. One that only I can offer. Thank you for your hospitality but we must be on our way.", he said firmly. Lucifer carried the sleeping child in his arms. Before Candy could follow, he was gone. There where many dangers in the world and he was willing to protect her from every single one of them.

Chloe and her team tracked Trixie to Nevada but she was already gone. Based on their evidence and witness (Candy), Lucifer had saved Trixie and is know protecting her. But the question is. Where was he taking her? Trixie's tracker was moving fast, faster than they could move. So, they decided to take an LAPD Helicopter. It was the only thing that was fast but it wasn't fast enough. They where always hours behind and needed to make a lot of fuel stops. They tracked Trixie to North Dakota, Canada, Michigan and Maine. In Maine, Trixie was almost kidnapped by a man but Lucifer chased down the car and held it in place with himself. He held onto a pole as he held onto the car. As the car burned wheel, Lucifer screamed and his eyes glowed red with hellfire. The car was lifted with his strength and Trixie was able to escape. He believed that Trixie wouldn't be safe in the United States and decided to take her farther away.

He took her to Dublin in which they rested for two full days. The Detective and rest of the team burly arrived in Maine when Lucifer took off again after the two day rest. He was headed for Wales in which he took another two day rest. The team flew day and night. Only stopping to refuel every few hours, every day. But with every hour, Lucifer flew farther away.

He enjoyed seeing the child happy as she played with him in the tall grass. He rolled around in it with her, in joy. He knew that Chloe wouldn't forgive him but she would thank him later for what he was about to do. He needed to protect her from all danger. He was afraid, he came to love this child as his own but she wasn't his to decide on her welfare. He prayed to his father hoping that he could help him and lucky for him, the all mighty answer him.

He put the child into a deep sleep as he cut her hand with his dagger. He wrote his name in Hebrew. He dropped his blood into her wound and it healed. She was marked and know she could come in and out of the silver city as she pleased. He took the sleeping child in his arms and flew up to heaven. Where she would be safe from all the world's harms.

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