Chapter 12: Life On The Line

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Lucifer was rushed to the hospital. The room was read for his arrival. The streacher raced to the ER to find that there was no wound. Maybe the paramedics made a mistake? Not really. Lucifer had time to heal when he was rushed to the hospital but he he still had trouble breathing and his heart was beating slowly. The doctors got the defibrillator, put some gel and rubbed it together before starting. " 1 Clear!", Lucifer's body arched as they shocked his body but no response. "2 Clear!", his body arched once again but this time they were rewarded with a heartbeat.

Lucifer was in the ICU Wing of the hospital. He as hooked up to 3 different IV bags and a breathing tube. Dan, Chloe and Ella arrived an hour later. Ella ran up to the front desk while Dan held on to Chloe, " Hi. We are to see Lucifer Morningstar. He was just rushed in about an hour ago". The man checked the list of respect patients. " Yes we do have a Lucifer Morningstar with LAPD, the man pointed out. Ella rushed her answer, " Yes. That's him", she tapped her fingers on the desk as if saying (Hurry The Hell Up And Tell Me Already)". The man looked back at her, " I'm sorry but he is currently not open for visits but we do need blood for him". Ella thanked him and went back. She told them that they couldn't give them information about him yet but she was cut off by Chloe. Chloe went to the front desk before anyone could stop her. She flashed her badge at him, "Hi. Detective Chloe Decker. I demand to see my partner Lucifer Morningstar this instant". The man was stoned, " I'm sorry Detective but your partner is not ready for visits but he does need blood. If anyone can donate blood, preferably family. Please list there names on this sheet of paper", he hands her a form. Chloe's heart pounded in her chest as she took the paper. At that moment, Maze, Amenadiel, Azrael and Luz entered the hospital. Luz introduced herself to Chloe and Dan, Ella helped explane her relation with Lucifer while the other two angels had their hands full, making sure that Maze didn't kill the man at the front desk for being no help.

As you might guess, everyone signed the donation form. Maze was the first to volunteer and she was taken an isolated room. She ate a hamburger and fries as the blood transported into the bag. Every 30 minutes, a different person was donating. Abously Amenadiel donated at least 5 bags while Dan donated 2 but when your life is on the line, every little drop helps. It was half pass 11 at night and still no news about Lucifer. Everyone was getting worried and mostly Decker because she started passing back and forth. The watch ticked, as the air in the room became thin. Dan stayed the entire night playing cards with Ella, Azrael, Luz, Maze and Amenadiel. It was a good distraction until Chloe started to pass again.

Morning came and there was still no news on Lucifer. Maze was pissed off as much as Chloe was but they had a plan. " Wait. You want me to use my powers to sneak pass and find Lucifer? For my brother I will", Azrael stepped behind her older brother and disappeared. Moments she came back with a blue nurse outfit for Maze, " Here put this on and follow me". Maze put the outfit on and followed an invisible angel down the hall. They went up in the elevator and onto the forth floor. His scent was stronger here and it became stronger as they entered the ICU Wing. They walked down the hallways until Maze and Azrael split because for some reason Lucifer's scent went in two directions. Maze went on Hall LS5 while Azrael went to Hall LS1. Azrael found the scent lead to a large room, she opened the door to find that it lead to a closet. Many large bags with clothes were here and among them, were Lucifer's fine but expensive clothing. " I do hope Mazikeen is having better luck than me", she closed the door and went to find Maze.

The scent that Maze followed, lead her to glass window room. She took a look at the window and froze. She was not prepared for the sight that was in front of her. Her larger than life friend, the devil, layed perfectly still on the bed. He had 3 IV fluids, blood, water and vitamins. A ventalation tube machine was placed in his mouth and down his throat. His chest moved up and down with the movement of air. Maze pressed her head against the glass, " Lucifer" she said in a whisper. Human emotion entered her and her eyes filled with tears. She grabbed the card that was on her nurse outfit and swiped it. The light turned green and she opened the door to his room. She entered silently and grabbed his hand. He was cold to the touch and his skin pale. She brought him another blanket and covered him with it. " Don't worry Lucifer. I'm here. I won't leave your side", she spoke to him softly as she rubbed her hand. " Show yourself little death. I know your here", Azrael showed herself but her wings covered her face. She had never seen him like this nor has Maze. She walked over to the angel and opened her wings, " He's going to be alright. He'll be waltzing around soon. Little death, go and tell the others. I'm staying here". Azrael had no strength to argue with Maze. So, she did as she was told.

Shortly after Azrael returned, Linda had arrived. They were let in about 20 minutes later but just like Maze. No one was ready for what they were about to see. Chloe ran to his side and observed his lifeless,pale face. Dan placed a reassuring had on her shoulder as tears ran down her face. This was not the same Lucifer Morningstar. They all stood around the his bed holding hands. Hoping that in prayer, he would be ok.

That afternoon, Amenadiel order his sisters to go back to the Penthouse and get some rest. He suggested the same to Chloe and Ella but Chloe refused to leave his side. She held onto his hand and looked back at Amenadiel, " I am not leaving him alone". Maze who was standing at the far end of the room spoke up, " He's not alone Decker. I'll be here and I'm not planning on leaving. Go get some rest". Chloe smiled but before she could protest Amenadiel lead everyone out of the room. Everyone except for Dan and Maze.

Lieutenant Rick was concerned for her best civilian consultant and assigned Dan and Maze to watch over Lucifer. They took turns, Maze took the Day shift and Dan took the night shift. No matter what, Lucifer was under watch every 24 hours. Chloe insisted to have a shift with Lucifer but Rick decided against it. For she had responsibilities at home with her daughter.

Five days passed and Lucifer was not getting any better. Maze had left after her shift to take a shower at LUX but she always returned 6am to take Dan's places. That's how their shifts worked. One stayed with Lucifer while the other rested but on this day Lucifer scared the hell out of Dan.

Dan stood in the middle of the room. With his gun at his side, he was ready for anything. Suddenly the heart monator made a high pitched sound. Dan pressed the emergency button at the side of the table and soon the room was full. The nearest doctor ran in and took the defibrillator from a nurse who had it prepared for him. " 1 Clear!" No response " 2 Clear!" Still no response. Dan made a call, " MAZE! Get your ass to the hospital! We are losing him!... Maze?". You didn't have to tell her twice and she was on her way to the hospital in a heartbeat. On the way she called Chloe who was at home with Ella. Both of them drove fast with the sirens, on there way to the hospital. Ella too did a phone call and called Amenadiel.

The doctors shocked Lucifer's body to the defibrillators full capaticy but it did nothing. The line remained flat, there was nothing more to do. With a heavy heart the doctors decided to called it time of death. The nurses removed the ventilator and removed the patches from his body. The main doctor lifted the sheets and covered Lucifer's face. He stepped out of the room and walked over the waiting room in which the Detective team had burly arrived. "Family of Lucifer Morningstar!", everyone went to him. " We did all we could. I'm sorry", Chloe yelled out, " No!" and ran to Lucifer's room. Everyone went after her but they all stopped at the doorway to find that Lucifer's body was gone.

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