Chapter 24: Team Lucifer

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Chloe cuddled a little closer to her heat source. She didn't feel cold but warm. But how could that be? She was freezing to death in the lake. Unless this was heaven?No, it couldn't be. She opened her eyes and saw her angel. He had a protective arm around her waist and his breathing was calm. He seemed to be at peace as he slept. She had no idea of what happened or why they were both naked. All she knew was that Lucifer had saved her form an icie death and she was grateful for his actions. She fell back to sleep on his chest as he gently pulled her closer to him. She had no nightmares. No hell loop. Her mark was removed.

Lucifer woke up early the next morning, noticing the wood supply and the dieing fire. He got up, got dressed and went to find wood for the fire. The storm had settled for now, only heavy snow fell. He should really be getting back to the silver city but he couldn't leave the Detective, especially in her condition. The others had to continue without him. It's not like he was disobeying his orders. "Check on the Detective", is what his father had said. He would just have to tell his father later but now he had to find wood before the fire dies down or before he became a frozen angel. If you think about, does it matter? Neither one sounds good.

Chloe felt a small chill and woke up to find him gone. " Lucifer", she whispered to herself before getting up in a rush as she dressed herself. She ran to the kitchen, looked behind the sofa, all along calling out his name. She then decided to go upstairs and looked in two bedrooms and the two bathrooms. She had checked every part of the house, well except for the last room. She turned the handle and opened the door. Suddenly, seven large dogs came running at her. Barking and tugging at her slightly if they reached her. She ran to the counter table and jumped. She landed on top of the wooden refrigerator and stayed there until Lucifer came back. All the dogs were Huskies of a silver color, except for a black one. They barked and growled at her. Maybe they were just claiming their home or maybe they just wanted to eat her.

Moments later, Lucifer opens the door  with an armful of wood. He spots the dogs and Chloe who is holding on for dear life on top of the refrigerator. The dogs run to him but suddenly come to a stop at his feet as he shouts out in a serous voice, " Yeah! Whoa!". The dogs great him with ribs and licks as he walks to the firewood box. He dumps the wood and then faces his attention to the frightened Detective on the refrigerator. " Come now Detective, crisis averted. The dogs won't harm you. Promise", he walks towards the refrigerator. " They chased me and tried to bite me", she said stating her point that she is not moving from her safety spot. " Has it come to you that they just wanted to play, Detective? By the way, I fed them earlier this morning". Chloe felt relief and got down from the refrigerator. She ran to him and wrapped her arms around him as the dogs got nearer to her. Lucifer ordered the dogs away  as he sat Chloe on the floor, " Don't move and relax", he called the dogs. They came one behind the other and approached them. Chloe could feel her heartrate rise but knew that Lucifer would never but her in harms way. So, she relaxed under to licking and the brush passes of the Huskies.

They sat down for breakfast which was nicely kept warm by the fire. The soup was warm and flavorful. It was the best he could do with the lack of supplies. Nonetheless it was delishous, " Thank you Lucifer. For saving me and for this soup, it delicious". He smiled at her with a little twinkle in his eyes, " A lighter soup is more suitable for ladys according to English traditions. Normally, a man a my wealth would never eat a lady soup but to hell with tradition. We are not in England are we?". He gave her a devilish grin as they continued to eat.

The dogs loved to play outside in the snow. How can they not be cold? It must be that thick fur coat. Chloe spent the majority of the day near the warm fire, with the company of the dogs. While Lucifer went to town to get some food for themselves and for the dogs. Lucifer had taken 3 of the dogs and hooked them on to a sled that he sound upstairs while the remaining 4 Huskies stayed with Chloe. Each of the dogs had their own individual harnesses and in a way knew their own running order. He held onto the sled, prepared for the mighty force that would pull him with one word, "Hike!". The dogs pulled and ran. The speed was incredible and their strength striking. They ran quicker than you could turn. Upon running a distance, they encounter a fork in the road. He griped the handles tighter, " Gee!", the dogs turned to the right. The sled slid a little put he kicked the snow, making it a clean turn. As they went up hill, the dogs slowed their pace a jog. Lucifer got off the sled and helped the dogs by pushing the sled up the hill as they pulled. Once, he could see the end of the hill he hoped on and held on tight.

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