Chapter 6: Husband &Wife

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Dan was driving down the rode with Chloe and Trixie in the car. It was saturday and there was no one to baby sit Trixie so they were taking her to the station today. Trixie watched from her window as cars drove by. She saw Maze's reflection on one of the car, " Mommie I see Maze!". They both smiled in shock as a bike went over their car and landed perfectly in from of them. Maze smiled as she turned to face them. She slowed her pace and pulled up to Dan's window. Dan opened the window, " Maze...". Maze cut him off , " Make way" and with that she speeded off in front of them. Trixie's face light up when she saw a familiar figure. Another person stood in their way. He was riding a copper color Cruiser bike with a familiar licence plate on the back. Maze bowed her head as the man approached. He knocked on Trixies window and smiled. " Lucifer!" Trixie yelled in excitement. Lucifer raced ahead to join Maze. They zigged zagged across the rode. Chloe smiled in happiness and turned to see her daughter who was trembling in excitement. They came to a stop inside the parking lot of the station. Lucifer and Maze got off of their bikes. Trixie got out of the car and ran straight towards Lucifer. He opened his arms to her and Maze laughed as the kid tackled her boss in a swizzed hug. " Hello child. I'm happy to see you too", Trixie was literally squeezing the air out of him. " Hey Honey. Give the devil some air", Chloe said in amusement. Trixie let go of him and once she did. Lucifer took in a large breath of air.

Lucifer and Chloe entered Rick's office alone. Ella was there along with Rick and another young man. " Welcome back Lucifer. I need my best detective team on this case. You two will be married and go undercover to find these missing children, Beverly Hills. People have been complaining about their missing children since a new couple came. I need you two to investigate". Getting married? That was the best news that chloe had ever heard. She wanted to marry Lucifer. But most of all she wanted to be his. Lucifer looked more handsome with only slightly longer hair. Ella was their witness as Lucifer and Chloe signed the papers. The rings where on their fingers as they sealed their marriage with a kiss. The kiss was soft and gentle. Oh how she wished to wrap her around around him but she knew that this was not the time or place.

Rick set them up in a large sweat in the fancy hotel. Their was a large piano and two bedroom. A small gym with equipment. Lucifer allowed Chloe to have first pick of the bedrooms and he was not surprised that she chose the smallest. The night soon came upon them when they finally settled in. They ate takeout Dinner from a nearby Chinese restaurant. They had orange chicken, broccoli beef, coconut chicken and a large side of chow mein. They ate peacefully until Chloe broke the silence. " Lucifer for dinner,'' she smiled at him grateful. He returned her smile, " Your welcome Chloe". They both cleaned up the table and washed the dishes together. After they were done it was pass 10 and it was time for them to sleep. In a moment of softness, Chloe caught him off guard and touched his cheek softly and gave him a kiss. He was stoned as she whispered in his ear, " Goodnight Lucifer". He watches her leave to her room as he wished her goodnight.

The night brought in a storm. Hail, rain and thunder fell. The storm was harsh with rapid winds. It was early October after all. Chloe woke up at the sound of loud thunder. She woun't admit it out loud but she was a little affraid of the storm. She lit a candle because the lights where out but the candle could only do so much. She hide in her closet and shivered in the darkness. Lucifer heard her screams and ran into her room as he placed his black silk nigh robe on. He found her gone util he hears another scream close by. He coun't see anything so he let the hell fire burn from his eyes. Walking twards te door he opened it and found the Detective in the far coner. With no words needed he went to her side and huged her. She crossed her feet and sat in the middle of him, leaning into is embrace. " Hush now Detective. I'm here. No need to fear", he gently strocked her blond hair. Chloe stopped trempling, his voice brought her comfurt and she felt safe in his arms.

They stayed like that for hours until Lucifer picked her up and placed a sleeping Chloe on the bed. He stood there for a little bit, aberbing the way her chest went up and dowm with each breath. He smiled at her as he remembered how scared Azrael was the first few times that she had heard lightning. He left the room after a moment and went back to his room. He took his robe off and placed it neatly on a chair as he fell on the bed, dead tired. He covered himself in the silk covers. Two hours after leaving, Chloe woke up again. She found that her partner was not with her. So, she wrapped herself with a blanket and went looking for him. It was a cozy gray blanket that was long enough that it dragged as she walked. She walked with cushion in the darkness. Not wanting to make noise and she touched her way to his room. To her delight the door was wide open and with the slight lighting of the moon, she was able to see him. He rested on on the left side and faced the window. She walked slowly up to the bed and climbed in just as slowly, not wanting to disturb him. He slept peacefully, his hair a mess and his thoughts peaceful. She pulled the blanket and covered them both. She cuddled next to him for warmth.

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