Chapter 2

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Alex pov

Overall the day was pretty good, especially since this morning when Shawn spoke to me. I've made so many new friends today, which I didn't expect at all. Everyone is so nice here.

I walk to my locker and grab my bag and put my books in it. I shut my locker and flung my bag over my shoulder and headed to the parking lot to get picked up by my mom. As usual she's late.

My legs start to hurt so I decide to sit on a bench. Everyone is at home and im still here waiting for my ride. Much fun huh?. Well at least I thought I was the only one here, as I felt someone sit on the bench. I look up and it was shawn. I was speechless.

"Hi" I say smiling at him

Shawn looks at me, smiles and replies.

"Hey al"

Im not freaking out at all, the guy I like gave me a nickname, okay cool.

"Giving me a nickname are we?" I ask nudging his side

"Yeah I guess I am" he said in a chuckle

I look at my phone checking if my mom read my texts saying to pick me up yet. Nope of course not.

"I'll call you Shawny" I say laughing, soon shawn joins in the laughter

"I'm cool with that" he responds.

I laugh and smile at him, he's so cute.

"Why you still here Al?" He asks

I laugh "I guess I could ask you the same shawny"

He looks at me trying to act serious but fails miserably.  Damn he's so cute.

"I'm waiting for my mom to collect me, you?" I ask

He looks over to the parking lot

"I missed the bus, im a dumbass. I don't think your mom's coming" shawn says

"Im thinking that too" I reply

"I'll walk you home" he says standing up with a smile offering me his hand to help me up, gosh he's such a gentleman.

"Aw you don't have to do that" I say trying to not show myself blushing like an idiot.

"No I want to" he replies with a smile

We start walking off campus to head to my house. I can't believe shawn would walk me home like this. He seriously is so sweet.

Shawn pov

Im so bad with timing one again I missed the bus. But I saw someone sitting on the bench in the parking lot, I wondered who it was,  turned out to me alex, missing the bus was meant to be.

I walk up to alex and sit on the bench and we get talking. We soon come up with nicknames for each other. I call her al and she calls me shawny, I find it real adorable.

While talking I ask why she's still here and it turned out to be because her ride hadn't came yet so I offered to walk her home. I'm so happy she said I could, this way I can spend more time with her.

We walked across a pebbled pathway on the way to alex's house it felt romantic.

"So what brings you to our school?" I ask curious with a small smile.

"My parents thought it was a good idea to start again, new house, school and new friends.  Im glad they done it" she responds in a happy tone

"Im glad they did too or I would never of met you" I blurt out. Damn it shawn that wasn't meant to be heard by her.

"Sorry" I say in a whisper

Al shakes her head "shawn it's okay, I feel the same" did she just say that?  I swear she did but I died a little.

"Really?" I say with hope I my eyes

She nods in agreement as we arrive outside her house. I smile and say goodbye as she walks up her drive way to her house. I start to walk back but I feel someone behind me hugging my back.

I turn around and see alex hugging me wrapping her arms around my neck and I hug her around her waist.

"Thanks for walking me home" she says into the Crook of my neck. I smile at the fact we're hugging right now.

"Anytime" I say letting go of the hug.

"See you tomorrow" I shout as I start to walk home. That happened. Alex said she liked me. We hugged, I'm seriously in love with this girl and she doesn't know how much.

Alex pov

Shawn walked me home and it felt so right being with him, I felt safe and comfort. We arrived at my house and I thanked him and started to walk up the drive way. I couldn't leave it, I ran up and hugged him, thankfully he hugged back. I love this guys so much and I want him to know.

I walk into the house and grab an apple and head up to my room.  I log on to my macbook and check my social medias. I look st my recent followers and shawn was one of them. Wow. I sat in silence for a moment to let it sink in but I couldn't help but scream.

I click on his profile and woah he  has 80k. Why didn't he say he was popular?.  Because you wouldn't broadcast that shit dumb alex. I follow back and I instantly get a direct message from shawn

I loved walking you home today we should do it again sometime :)

Im smiling at my screen like an idiot right now but I really couldn't care, I start typing and send a reply.

@Alexsmith   (a/n fake twitter! :))
Aw I loved it too and yeah definitely :)

I check my recent texts and I have one from elle, one of my new friends from school.

E- Elle


E- I can't believe I only met you today you are queen!
A- ohh stop! Haha right back at ya ;)
E- I gotta go but I'll see you tomorrow!
A- okay see ya!

That was fast, should I have asked about shawn? Oh my god I've never liked someone this much before. Im 16 and this could be my first relationship? Thats if shawn likes me that way. Alex dont over think things, I thought to myself.

I checked my dms and shawn had replied
I'll see you tomorrow :)

I smiled once again like an idiot at the screen. Damn he gives me butterflies.  I quickly typed a reply.
Okay see you then :)

I can't belive how much can happen in one day.  I have a feeling this is the beginning of something amazing. I can feel this warmth whenever I hear his name.  Im in love with Shawn Mendes bad.

A/n I really hope you're enjoying the story so far, I hope I get enough responses to get this story to its best! Thanks again

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