Chapter 15

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Nash pov

Finally it's the end of the day. The day went so slow after two periods of English,  best time I've ever had at school, and that's saying something.  And better yet as Mr Lawley never caught us, ha he's clueless.

I walk to my locker and wait for alex to come out of her final period so i can take her to mine after school.

While waiting i take out my iPhone and unlock it it with my original password 1997, birthdate haha.

I click the vine app and go onto my vine account. Woah i just hit 8 million followers, i stand there speachless at my phone screen. 8 million people. Damn thats a lot.

After looking at the total for a few minutes i scroll down to the vines we posted before. Part one had 14,506 revines and 100,121 likes woah, and then part 2 has 19,500 revines and 125,000 likes wow glad we did part 2.

I start to scroll through the comments and i start to read through them.

"Omg #Ash is cuteee!"

" Best vine yet!"

"That alex girl is soo pretty like dayum!" I laughed at that one

"Ew that alex girl should leave nash alone, he's  mine and no one elses okay Alex?" Wow my fans can be protective at times, but this is just over reacting big time.

I don't care if we get the odd hate comment, im happy with alex and thats all that matters.

I glance up from my phone to see alex walking towards me. I smile and lock my phone placing it in my back pocket.

"Hey babe" i say giving her a kiss on the cheek and embracing her into a hug

"Hey nashy" she says wrapping her arms around my neck

"Lets head to the car" i say grabbing alexs hand as we start to walk down the hallway to the exit to head to the parking lot.

We soon arrive at my jeeo in the parking lot and i hold the door open for alex to get in

"Thanks" she says with a smile

"No problem beautiful" i say smiling back before i close the door

I get into the drivers seat and i put my keys into the ignition. We start driving along the road cutting through all the streets and avenues.  About 10 minutes later we arrive at my house.

I grab alexs hand again and help her out of the car

"Such a gentleman " she says with a giggle

"But of course lady Smith" i say laughing

We walk to the door and i push the handle. We walk in and we see my mom and sister Skylynn in the kitchen.

"Hey mom! Alex and I are home!" I say walking towards her still with my fingers interwined with alexs

"Hey Mrs Floyd " alex says with a happy smile

"Hello Alex! How's your day been? Has nash behaved?" My mom asks with a smirk

Wow parents are awkward as fuck.

"Haha It's been an amazing day, thank you and No Nash has beem extremely bad today! She lies

I make an o with my mouth and make it look like im hurt

"How dare you" i say trying to act serious

"Is this true nash?" My mom asks

"Noopee!" I say popping the 'p'

"Im joking he's been awesome as always" alex butts in.

"Aw well thats good!" My mom states

I look over to alex with an I'll get you back face and she just shakes her head.

"Okay mom we're going upstairs to work on our project, its almost finished and we have to hand it in friday!" I say grabing alexs hand as we head for the stair case

"Okay nash, dont do anything you'll regret!"

"MOM!" i say embarrassed, i look at alex and her face had flushed pink

Way to kill it mom.

Alex pov

"Okay nash dont do anything you'll regret! Elizabeth, says. I feel my face heat up. Thats embarrassing,  i look to nash and his face also changed a shade of pink.

We walk into nashs room and our model we've been building for the past month is standing on nashs desk.

"We've done pretty good on this project" i say examining the popsicle stick eiffel tower

"Yeah we have! " nash agrees

"Alex can i ask you something? " nash asks

I nod " sure what is it?"

"Okay here it goes, alex i really like you, like really really like you. I can't see my life without you in it, your my other half, my best friend and i  don't want to loose you again.  So I want to maks a promice to you that I'll be there day or night, whenever you need me I'll be there for you. I love you alex Smith " nash says taking a box out of his drawer

"Will you accept this promice ring? To show I'll always be yours no matter what?" He asks holding out the ring

"Oh my gosh nash, that's the sweetest thing anyone's said to me, of course i will!" I say with a smile in my face.  And with that nash slips the ring on my finger

I peck nash on the lips and he kisses back, soon it turns into a mini make out session. 

"I love you" he says

"Not as much as i love you" i say


A/n another updatee yay!!

Add to reading list so you know when i update!

Sorry its a short chapter! I have a tonne of exams. But I'll fit in updates!

Ill update again real soon until then thank you!!

~Em x

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