Meeting The Pevensies

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(Athena POV)

I'm Athena and I am a Narnian. Some called me the Angel of Narnia because I bestowed hope all over the lands and because of how close I am with Aslan. At least I used to be. When the Kirke's visited Narnia I was only 15. The White Witch tried to kill all of the Kirke's but I was able to save Digory. When I saved Digory, I also left Narnia and have not been able to get back since. Aslan had given me a bracelet before I had went to save Digory and it has kept me the same age while being in the human world. Digory is now an old man and a professor. With the war going on he has decided to watch over some kids. Two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve. I have this gut feeling that the pathway back to Narnia will soon be opened and I can go home. Macready, Digory's housekeeper, and I are going to pick the kids up now as we speak. She is taking the horse and buggy while I ride the horse that Digory got me when he found out about my love for horses.

Macready and I are on our way to pick up the kids. I decide to go ahead of Macready. When I do I find a boy probably a year older than me, a girl my age, another boy probably a year younger than me, and a girl about two years younger than me. The boy older than me was very good looking but that's not really saying much since I haven't seen any other people, other than Macready and Digory.

"Come on, hup!" Macready tells her horse as they come around the curve. "And whoa. Whoa." Macready finally reaches us.

"Mrs. Macready?" The oldest boy asks.

"I'm afraid so," Macready says. Did I mention that Macready does not like kids, well she doesn't. "Is this it, then? Haven't you brought anything else?"

"No, ma'am. It's just us," The oldest girl says.

"Small favors. Come on," Macready says. I help them get into the buggy before getting back on my horse. We head back to the house. "Good girl. Come on. Come on." The kids are in awe at the house.

(3rd Person POV)

Athena takes the horses to the stables after the kids and Macready get out of the buggy. Athena puts the horse and buggy up first before taking care of her horse.

"Oh, Aslan. I really think I may be going back to Narnia soon," Athena says to her horse, who she named Aslan because of how much she dearly missed the lion. As Athena walks back to the house, she looks up at the sky. "Aslan, please let this be the children from the prophecy. I can only imagine what's happened during the White Witch's reign." Athena continues back up to the house.

"Professor Kirke is not accustomed to havin' children in this house. And, as such, there are a few rules we need to follow. There will no shoutin'. Or runnin'. No improper use of the dumbwaiter," Macready explains as Susan goes to touch a statue. "No touchin' of the historical artifacts!" Susan backs away. "And above all, there shall be no disturbin' of the professor."

The kids then go to their rooms to put their things away before meeting in the girls' room since they would be going to sleep soon. Athena goes into the house and heads for the girls' room so she could figure out all of their names.

"Let me guess she gave you all the speech about basically not being a kid?" Athena asks as she stands in the doorway. All of the kids nod their heads. "I'm Athena by the way."

"I'm Peter," The oldest boy says. "That's Susan." He points at the oldest girl. "And Edmund and Lucy." He points at the other two.

"It's nice to meet you all and to finally be around someone my own age," Athena says.

"What's there to do around here anyway?" Edmund asks.

"Go outside because Macready definitely does not allow anything inside," Athena says. "Well, goodnight." Athena then goes up to her room which has the wardrobe inside it.

"The sheets feel scratchy," Lucy says as she lies down. Peter couldn't really get his mind off of how pretty Athena is.

"Wars don't last forever, Lucy. We'll be home soon," Susan says.

"Yeah, if home is still there," Edmund says rudely.

"Isn't it time you were in bed?" Susan asks him.

"Yes, Mum," Edmund says sarcastically.

"Ed!" Peter scolds. "You saw outside. This place is huge. We can do whatever we want here. Tomorrow's going to be great. Really." Peter and Edmund then leave to go to their room for the night.

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