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(3rd Person POV)

Lucy feels Athena push her back into the wardrobe and figures that Athena is right behind her. Lucy runs out of the wardrobe into the hallway.

"It's all right! We're back! We're all right!" Lucy exclaims.

"Shut up! He's coming!" Edmund says as he pokes his head out of the curtains.

"You know, I'm not sure you two have quite got the idea of this game," Peter says as he sees them.

"Weren't you wondering where we were?" Lucy asks still not noticing that Athena isn't there.

"That's the point. That was why he was seeking you," Edmund says coming out of the curtains.

"Does this mean I win?" Susan asks as she joins the group.

"I don't think Lucy wants to play anymore," Peter explains.

"I've been gone for hours," Lucy says confused. Lucy then leads them into Athena's room to where the wardrobe is. Susan goes inside the wardrobe and knocks on the wood in the back. Edmund goes behind the wardrobe and knocks on the wood.

"Lucy, the only wood in here is the back of the wardrobe," Susan says as she comes out of the wardrobe.

"One game at a time, Lu. We don't all have your imagination," Peter says.

"But I wasn't imagining!" Lucy exclaims.

"That's enough, Lucy," Susan says.

"I wouldn't lie about this! Athena was there too!" Lucy exclaims before noticing that Athena isn't there. "Where is she?" Everyone looks at Lucy confused.

"Who's Athena?" Peter asks.

"The girl that's living here. She stays in this room. She was there too!" Lucy explains.

"Lucy, we are the only kids here," Susan says.

"I'm not lying!" Lucy says not knowing what else to say.

"Well, I believe you," Edmund says.

"You do?" Lucy asks.

"Yeah, of course. Didn't I tell you about the field in the cupboards?" Edmund answers making Lucy cry and run out of the room.

"Will you just stop? You just have to make everything worse, don't you?" Susan asks Edmund before she takes off after Lucy.

"It was just a joke!" Edmund answers.

"When are you gonna learn to grow up?" Peter asks.

"Shut up! You think you're Dad, but you're not!" Edmund yells before he leaves the room. Peter looks back at the wardrobe feeling something drawing him to it but he ignores it and leaves the room. That night everyone is asleep besides Edmund and Lucy. Peter is dreaming about a girl with brown hair and brown eyes. A girl he feels like he has met before but can't remember from where. Lucy decides to go back to the wardrobe. As Lucy leaves her room and is walking down the hall, Edmund comes out of his room. Edmund decides to follow her. Lucy walks up to the wardrobe and opens it. When she opens it a gust of air comes out which puts out the candle that she is holding. She sets the candle down before running into the wardrobe and to Tumnus' house. Meanwhile, Edmund opens the door to the room and searches for Lucy. Finally, he walks into the wardrobe and enters Narnia.

"Lucy? I think I believe you now," Edmund says.

(Athena POV)

As I walk into Aslan's camp, everyone stops what they are doing and stares at me. I still have the hood of my coat up so they do not know that it is me. I reach Aslan's tent and Oreius is standing guard.

"I wish to speak with Aslan," I say.

"No one is to speak to the king, much less a commoner," Oreius states.

"Well, I am most certainly not a commoner," I say before I throw my hood back revealing who I am. All around me I hear gasps and whispers.

"How am I to know that this isn't The White Witches doing?" Oreius asks unsheathing his sword.

"Oreius, stay your blade," says a voice I truly thought I would never hear again. Everyone bows at the sight of the great lion. The one true king of Narnia. Aslan. "You may rise." Everyone except for me rises and goes back to their work. "Princess of Narnia rise." I may have forgotten to mention that I'm a princess but that is for later discussion.

"Aslan!" I say before hugging him.

"There is much to be discussed. Come, child," Aslan says and we walk into his tent. "Welcome back. The past is in the past and that is where it must stay. Narnia needs its hope back." Aslan nods his head to the corner and I find my things. My dress, my cloak, bow and quiver, my sias, and my sword. I pick up my sword and unsheathe it.

"Tell me where to start," I say turning to Aslan.

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