Going Home

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(Athena POV)

Once I wake up the next morning, I notice that it is raining outside which means that we will be stuck inside all day. I find the Pevensies sitting in the library.

"Gastro vascular," Susan says as she reads from the dictionary. Peter is staring off into space, while Edmund and Lucy look bored out of their minds. "Come on, Peter. Gastro vascular."
"It is Latin," I say and everyone looks at me.

"Yes, it is," Susan says.

"Is it Latin for worst game ever invented?" Edmund asks and I chuckle. Peter sends Edmund a look to be quiet.

"We could play hide and seek," Lucy suggests and I smile.

"But we're already having so much fun," Peter says sarcastically which earns a look from Susan.

"Come on, Peter, please. Pretty please?" Lucy begs and Peter looks at me. I give a slight nod and smile.

"One, two, three, four..." Peter starts counting.

"What?" Susan asks as if Peter is crazy.

"...five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven..." Peter continues and we all run from the room. Susan hides in a window seat. Lucy keeps trying doors and can't find one open. "...24, 25, 26..." Lucy finds some big curtains and runs for them but Edmund shoves her out of the way.

"I was here first!" Edmund says as he fights with Lucy. I grab Lucy's hand and I drag her to my room. I stay up against the door not really paying attention to Lucy.

(3rd Person POV)

Lucy takes notice of a sheet that is covering something big in Athena's room. Something draws her to it. Lucy uncovers what seems to be a wardrobe. Lucy opens the door of wardrobe and hears Peter counting so she runs inside the wardrobe going all the way to the back until she finds herself in snow. Little did Lucy know but at that time she had opened Athena's way home.

(Athena POV)

I turn around to look at Lucy to make sure she stays quiet because Peter is near but she isn't there. I notice that the wardrobe is uncovered. She must be in Narnia. So much hope feels in my heart as I make my way over to the wardrobe. I open the door and I can feel the magic of Narnia. I grab a coat that has a hood on it before I run through the coats and find myself in Narnia but everything is covered in snow. The White Witch must be in control. I make my way to the lamppost that I'm so familiar with and as I do I hear voices.

"Now. She may already know you're here. The woods are full of her spies. Even some of the trees are on her side," I hear a voice that I haven't heard since he was a young faun. "Can you find your way back from here?" Tumnus asks.

"I think so," I hear Lucy say.

"All right," Tumnus says.

"Will you be all right?" Lucy asks.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Here," Tumnus says in a weak voice. I'm where I can see them now. He hands her back her hanky but she refuses.

"Keep it. You need it more than I do," Lucy says.

"No matter what happens, Lucy Pevensie, I am glad to have met you. You've made me feel warmer than I've felt in a hundred years," Tumnus says. It's been a hundred years. I've been gone for so long. "Now go. Go!" Lucy starts running in my direction.

"There you are, Lucy," I say startling her.

"Oh, Athena! You're in Narnia too?" Lucy asks excitedly.

"Isn't it amazing?" I ask. She nods. "It's even better in the summer." I smile at the memories.

"You've been here before?" Lucy asks.

"Yes. It was a long time ago though," I say as I start walking in the direction of the wardrobe. "You must go before the White Witch finds you."

"What about you?" Lucy asks.

"You will see me again soon. There is a lot of work to be done in Narnia and it can't happen without your and your siblings help. Now go," I answer before pushing her into the wardrobe and running away. I pull my hood on my head as I run to Tumnus' house. I knock on the door and Tumnus opens the door.

"Hello, Tumnus," I say pulling my hood back so he can see it is me.

"Quickly, come in," He says. "Where have you been? The White Witch has taken over and has been looking everywhere for you."

"I got stuck in the human world. I have to find Aslan. Is there any word on where he is?" I explain.

"I don't know for sure because I am stuck under the Witch's rule. I would cross the river and leave the snow," Tumnus answers.

"Thank you, Tumnus. I will come back for you. I promise," I say before I pull my hood back on before leaving. I run and I do not stop until I have left the snow behind. In the distance, I can see Aslan's camp and army. I feel a smile come to my face.

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