The Kings And Queens Of Narnia

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(Athena POV)

It has been a few days since the battle. Peter and I are closer than ever. When I am not with him or Lucy, I'm with Aslan because I know he will be leaving once the coronation is over. I have never been happier because of being able to return to Cair Paravel. Today is the coronation and I am in my room getting ready. Lucy and Susan enter my room, already ready. Susan is wearing a light blue dress and Lucy a light red dress. I am wearing a light green dress.

"It is time," Susan says with a smile. We leave my room to meet Aslan and the boys. Peter sees me and his mouth drops. I can't help but blush. We line up to go inside. Walking side by side it is Edmund, Peter, Aslan, me, Susan and Lucy. The centaurs raise their swords above our heads as we make our way up to the thrones. We stop at the bottom of the stairs, before continuing without Aslan. Aslan then walks and stands to the side. We turn around in front of our thrones to face the crown. Mr. and Mrs. Beaver make their way to the stage carrying the crowns, with Tumnus behind them.

"To the glistening Eastern Sea, I give you Queen Lucy the Valiant," Aslan announces and Lucy lets out a small giggle. We all smile. Tumnus grabs one of the smaller crowns made for the girl's, that is silver, and walks over to Lucy. Lucy bows and Tumnus places the crown on her head. "To the great Western Wood, King Edmund the Just." Tumnus then grabs the smaller of the boys' crowns, that's silver, and places it on Edmund's head who had bowed. "To the radiant Southern Sun, Queen Susan, the Gentle." Tumnus grabs the other girls' crown that is gold and places it on Susan's head after she bows. "To the clear Northern Sky, I give you King Peter, the Magnificent." Tumnus then grabs the bigger boy's crown, that's gold, and places it on Peter's head as he bows. "And to the dazzling Northern Stars, I give you Queen Athena, the Narnian Angel of Hope." Tumnus then grabs the biggest of all the crowns, that's gold and silver, and places it on my head as I bow. I stand back up and Tumnus bows his head before I pull him into a hug. Everyone chuckles. We all then sit on our thrones and Aslan turns to us. "Once a King or Queen of Narnia, always a King or Queen. May your wisdom grace us until the stars rain down from the heavens." Aslan then faces the crowd.

"Long live King Peter! Long live Queen Athena! Long live King Edmund! Long live Queen Susan! Long live Queen Lucy!" Aslan and the crowd chants. Later that evening I walk with Aslan along the beach while everyone else is at the coronation ball.

"How long will you be gone?" I ask Aslan as I mess with the bracelet he gave me a long time ago.

"I do not know, my child," Aslan answers and notices me messing with the bracelet. "You may take that off now, so you can age alongside the Pevensies." I nod understanding him.

Meanwhile, Lucy comes to the balcony and sees Aslan and Athena walking on the beach.

"Don't worry," Tumnus says coming up behind Lucy.

"Where are they going?" Lucy asks.

"Athena is only saying goodbye," Tumnus answers. "We'll see him again."

"When?" Lucy asks.

"In time. One day he'll be here and the next he won't. But you mustn't press him. After all, he's not a tame lion," Tumnus explains.

"No. But he is good," Lucy says with tears in her eyes.

"Here. You need it more than I do," Tumnus says handing Lucy her hankie back. When Lucy looks back out Aslan and Athena are nowhere to be seen. Lucy and Tumnus return to the ball.

I come back inside and venture over to the balcony since dancing isn't really my thing.

"Have I told you that you look extremely beautiful tonight?" Peter asks and I turn around to face him with a smile on my face.

"You don't look so bad yourself," I say. Peter pulls me in for a gentle kiss before we watch the sunset.

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