Aslan's Death

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(3rd Person POV)

During the night Aslan and Athena start to make their way out of camp, after Athena having told Alistair to follow them. As they pass Lucy and Susan's tent, Lucy shifts in her sleep and sees Aslan's and Athena's shadows as they pass the tent.

"Susan!" Lucy calls, waking Susan up who also sees the shadows. They dress before following them. Aslan and Athena hear a twig snap behind them which makes Aslan stop.

"Shouldn't you both be in bed?" Aslan asks while Susan and Lucy come out from behind a tree. Athena smiles sadly at them.

"We couldn't sleep," Susan answers.

"Please, Aslan. Couldn't we come with you?" Lucy asks.

"I would be glad of more company for a while," Aslan answers. Lucy and Susan each grab some of Aslan's mane before we continue our journey to the stone table.

"Thank you. It is time. From here, I must go on alone," Aslan says as he stops at the edge of the forest before the stone table.

"But Aslan..." Lucy starts.

"You have to trust me. For this must be done. Thank you, Susan. Thank you, Lucy. Thank you, Athena. And farewell," Aslan says before he continues the journey out of the forest. Athena heads over to some boulders with Susan and Lucy following her.

"Behold. The great lion," The White Witch calls out as Aslan makes his way to the stone table. A minotaur knocks Aslan over. Lucy goes to gasp but Athena covers her mouth so they would not be heard. "Bind him!" Some Cyclops go to bind Aslan. "Wait! Let him first be shaved." A dwarf then shaves Aslan of his mane before the Cyclops bind, Aslan. "Bring him to me." A Minotaur drags Aslan up the steps and onto the stone table where the White Witch is. "You know, Aslan, I'm a little disappointed in you. Did you honestly think by all this that you could save the human traitor? You are giving me your life and saving no one. So much for love. Tonight, the Deep Magic will be appeased! But tomorrow, we will take Narnia forever!" The hags start hitting their sticks on the ground in rhythm. The rest of the creatures starting shouting along in the rhythm. "In that knowledge, despair..." The White Witch raises a knife above her head. "...and die!" The White Witch brings the knife down. Athena covers Lucy's eyes, while Susan covers her own mouth. "The Great Cat is dead! General. Prepare your troops for battle. However short it may be." The White Witch and her army then leave. Susan, Lucy, and Athena run down to Aslan. Lucy brings out her healing juice but Susan stops her.

"It's too late. He's gone," Susan says and Lucy begins to cry. They all pet Aslan's head.

"He must have known what he was doing," Lucy says. They all hear tiny little squeaks and turn to see mice on Aslan.

"Get away! Get away, all of you!" Susan cries out.

"No. Look," Athena says as the mice chew the rope cause it to snap away from Aslan's body. "We have to tell the others."

"We can't just leave him!" Lucy says.

"Lucy, there's no time. They need to know," Susan says. Athena stands and whistles. Alistair then comes running out of the forest.

"Use the trees," Athena says as she climbs onto Alistair. "Tell them to tell the boys that Aslan is gone and that I am on my way." Lucy nods before doing as told and Athena takes off. "Ride like the wind, Alistair."

Back at camp, the dryad enters Peter's and Edmund's tent as they sleep. Peter senses a presence in the tent and draws his sword, which wakes Edmund.

"Be still, my Princes," The dryad says. "I bring grave news from your sisters. Aslan is dead. Athena is on her way back. The White Witches army marches this way." The dryad leaves the tent. Peter and Edmund get up the get dressed before heading out of their tent. Edmund goes to check the girls' tent while Peter informs Oreius and checks Aslan's tent.

"She's right. He's gone," Peter says as he comes out of Aslan's tent. Both boys worried about their sisters.

"Then you'll have to lead us. Peter, there's an army out there and it's ready to follow you," Edmund says.

"I can't," Peter says.

"Aslan believed you could. And so do I," Edmund tells Peter.

"As do I," Athena says surprising everyone as she jumps off of Alistair.

"The Witch's army is nearing, sire. What are your orders?" Oreius asks.

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