The Hope Is Back

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(3rd Person POV)

"Peter!" Lucy and Susan call to Peter as they run down the hill. Peter and Lucy hug while Susan looks around.

"Where's Edmund?" Susan asks panicked. They run to where Edmund is and see a dwarf sneaking up on him.

"Edmund!" Lucy calls. Susan shoots an arrow and kills the dwarf. They find Edmund having trouble breathing. Susan takes off his helmet as Lucy pulls out her healing juice. Lucy then drops a drop into Edmund's mouth. Edmund swallows then stops breathing. They all start to cry, then Edmund lets out a breath and opens his eyes. Susan gives a soft chuckle. Lucy smiles and Peter grabs Edmund bringing him into a hug.

"When are you gonna learn to do as you're told?" Peter asks Edmund as they pull apart. Edmund smiles while Susan and Lucy pull him into a hug. Lucy then looks around and does not see Athena.

"Where's Athena?" Lucy asks and Peter's face falls. Peter gets up and starts running down the hill. He finds Athena near the bottom of the hill, where she is gasping for air.

"Athena!" Peter calls out as he drops down beside her. The others start making their way down the hill along with Aslan.

"Is it over? Is she dead?" Athena wheezes out.

"Yes. We did it together," Peter answers and Athena nods.

"You will be a great king," Athena says before she breathes her last breath. Peter grabs Athena into his arms.

"Noooo! Athena! No! Please, Athena!" Peter cries out. The others reaching them. Edmund and Susan start to cry and Aslan hangs his head. Lucy pulls her healing juice back out.

"It's too late," Susan says sadly. Lucy starts crying and Susan and Edmund pull her into a hug. Peter hangs his head and hugs Athena's body.

"No. Please. I can't do this without you," Peter cries. Susan and Edmund pull Peter into a hug as he lays Athena's body down. Aslan sees the effect Athena's death had on all of them including the surrounding Narnians. Aslan then breathes life into Athena. Athena coughs as air enters her lungs once more. Susan and Edmund let go of Peter. Peter then pulls Athena into a tight hug.

"What happened?" Athena asks.

"You were dead and Aslan brought you back," Susan answers as they all pull Athena into a hug. Aslan then goes around turning all of the Narnians that were turned to stone back. Lucy goes and helps the injured with her healing juice. Susan and Edmund go join Lucy by helping where they can. Peter pulls Athena into another hug.

"I thought you were dead," Peter says with a broken voice.

"You can't get rid of me that easily," Athena says as she pulls back with a smile on her face. "Besides we are in this together." Peter smiles at her before giving her a gentle kiss on the lips.

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