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Kaitlin Winchester

Austin and I never spoke about that night. We both pushed off, and we both ignored each other until today where Austin would have to fly up to LA for a week or two. It killed me that I avoided him until he was leaving, but I felt awkward. My best friend kissed me only about three to four weeks after I’d gotten out of a coma and my parents died. But kissing him made me forget.
As cheesy as it sounds, kissing Austin felt right. I just felt this spark like they say in all those cliché movies. I felt like I was trapped in one myself, but the outcome didn’t look so good. Girl falls for boy. Boy kisses girl. Girl falls hard for boy. Boy leaves girl. Girl doesn’t have a best friend or boyfriend.

I feel Lily nudge me, making me cut from my horrible scenarios. She was directing her attention to Austin who was making his way to me for the first time in a week. The last time I saw him was when we had kissed. Just seeing him in his red snap back, and dark black top, and just the way his lips curved into a small smile made me want to kiss him. I decide against it though knowing I’d just look stupid.

“It’s four am and you still manage to look good,” Austin speaks as he takes me in. His eyes travel down my body and soon back up. The stare makes me blush madly and look down to the floor to hide it. Was he flirting with me?

I look back up, thinking two can play at that game. “Same to you, Mahone,” I practically purred, making Austin smirk down at me. I liked this whole flirting thing and I could tell Austin did too.

“When I get back you better have some fun things planned for us,” he spoke, and then he winked. Austin winked at me! Lily still stood next to me, taking in the whole scene and trying to keep her jaw from hitting the floor. Austin is never flirty to me, meaning he was being very cocky. Ever since we kissed it’s like everything was different between us. Yeah, I liked him. Yeah, I liked this. But did he like me? Did he like this?

I smirk up at him, “I have a few things in mind already.” Austin just grins after that, wrapping his arms around my waist while mine snake around his neck. He hugs me though, paparazzi taking pictures. Austin hides his face into my neck so the paparazzi didn’t see the kiss he planted on my neck.

We’re we a thing? Oh my god.

We soon separate from our hug, and I watched as Austin heads off. Austin heads into the baggage area with Rocco and Mrs. Mahone at his side. They put their things through a detector and Austin soon had to step through. The thing went off about five times each time he went through and I noticed his frustration.
He honestly looked so pissed, but since Mahomies were around he didn’t want to make a scene and be a diva. But I knew he’d blow any second by his expression and sometimes he just can’t control himself so I snuck my way through. They let me go not wanting to piss off a celebrity and their close friend. They noticed his trouble and didn’t want him to make them look bad. Austin was about to snap at the guy since he went in for a sixth time and it went off.

I stood in front of Austin, catching him by surprise. I just smile up at him to show him that it was okay. Everything would be fixed and figured out. The people decided to go get a manager or something because when I looked over no one was there.
Austin and I were the only two here at the moment. It felt like we were the only two in the airport as we locked eyes. I swear no boy has ever had this effect on me well my heart has always belonged to Austin.

“It probably keeps going off because you’re too hot for it,” I state bluntly, and Austin lets out his beautiful laugh at my joke. I had to smile up at him, knowing I’d made him feel a lot better. “Plus, more time with me before you leave,” I continued, and Austin smiled so genuinely, making me feel good.

“I’m glad. I haven’t seen you all week,” he says, pouting a bit down at me. Before we can continue, they make Austin try again and it goes off. They had to refuse to let him go, and that drove Austin insanely. He looked so pissed off that I could see his neck vein popping out.

“I have an event to perform at!” he states, raising his voice. Mrs. Mahone tries to calm him, but it doesn’t work so I step in. I stand behind Austin, placing my hands on his arms and rubbing them up and down in comfort. Austin seemed to relax at my touch.

I hated when Austin was angry because when he was angry it was so obvious and scary. Luckily I was here and could calm down Austin. They decide to guide Austin to the back so they could pat him down. I could go with them and be with Austin just a little bit longer thank god.

We moved to the room, one of the workers going to get another person. Mrs. Mahone seemed to be deep in a conversation with Rocco and wasn't focused on Austin and I. Austin noticed to, taking it to his advantage. He wrapped his arms around my waist while mine went to around his neck. He leaned his forehead against mine, looking into my eyes. His breath being felt on my lips showing that he was close. I couldn’t help but shiver at the feeling.

"Cold?" He whispers, but I shake my head softly still not unconnecting our foreheads. For some reason, Austin smiles at me. Before I can ask why he closes the space between us, placing his lips on mine. I missed it more then I realized.

I kiss him back for a moment, shutting my eyes and just enjoying the kiss. But soon pull away knowing his mom was in the room. Luckily, my back was to her and Rocco so they couldn't have seen if they glanced over.

"I've been wanting to do that again," Austin breathes out, his warm breath hitting my lips. I couldn't help but smile myself this time. I watch as Austin smiles back at me, making my insides erupt with butterflies. Austin sure did have some effect on me.

"I can't lose you again," Austin says to me, making me whisper back,

"You won't."

Our moment is cut short when security walks in to pat Austin down. I started to pull away, but Austin didn't let me go before pecking my lips. I had to smile afterwards and might I add like an idiot. I had to glance over at Mrs. Mahone who saw that. She was just grinning at us. She didn't look mad. She seemed happy at the sight, making me blush.

I look back to Austin, watching as they pat him down. He looked a little uncomfortable, but once he looked at me he smiled. I smiled back of course, not being able to resist.

I finally got what I'd wanted.


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