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Sometimes I think back to that day, and wish it had happened differently. I think about all of the things I could have done to prevent it. At night when I dream about that fateful day in the winter of 2014, all I can picture is her face with her happy smiles, the shine in her eyes, and blush in her cheeks. Has it really only been 4 months? At the time I was positive it was my fault. I had believed that I had been the cause of all the suffering we were going through. Then we learned the truth.  It wasn’t my fault. There had been a plan from the beginning, made by a person no one could have ever suspected. I still believe that if I had been paying more attention, the accident never would have happened. However, that wouldn’t have helped bring her back. It was up to us to save her. So here it is. This is the story of how the R5 boys saved her life.  

New Year's Angel (R5 Fan Fiction -Rydellington)Where stories live. Discover now