Through the Looking Door

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May 8th 2014


                She was there, right in front of me. I really wasn’t sure if I was thrilled, shocked, terrified, horrified or just straight up happy. If i’m being honest, I was probably a little bit of everything. I was disgusted with these men for how they had been keeping her but I was also overjoyed that she was not worse. I think I was also unable to believe that she was actually there. I had spent so many nights dreaming about finding her that waking up had almost become a false hope. Week four of the dream had pretty much taken away any potential faith in actually finding her.

 Ross, Rocky and Ryland all made their very happy reunions with her and Rydel was just beaming with love and joy. God knows how depressed she had been the past few months unsure if her family was still out there among the living. I was having a really hard time getting over my sadness for Rydel when I was suddenly ripped out of my thoughts by Ryland. “Okay who has the beeper? We need to let Nichols know we found her.” Riker pulled the beeper out of his back pocket and sent out the message. While doing so he must have noticed the time because he suddenly freaked out on us. “Oh my god! Guys it is 5:30am. Those guys are going to be here in like an hour. We need to get Rydel out now!” Everyone immediately started hitting the glass. I realized pretty quickly that we were going to get nowhere with that approach and took a step back from the glass.

While watching how the glass shook after each hit I noticed something rather odd about the door. It had no hinges. I walked around to face the door and ran my fingers along the edge of it. At first I couldn’t figure out how it had been stuck on there without screws when my finger suddenly sunk into a hole. The door had been glued in place. They must have wanted to build the box around Rydel for more durability and then just closed her in with a tiny peek hole in the door. “Hey Ry or Sabrina, do either of you have a knife in those weapons your packing?” Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked my way. Sabrina walked towards me reaching into the side of her pants to out the knife. Ryland made a strange noise and stared her down. “Uh... Sabs, where were you keeping that without getting stabbed?” She just smiled at him and handed me the knife. “Wouldn’t you like to know... here you are Ellington. One knife but what do you need it for?” I pulled her over to see the door as I stuck the knife in the hole I had found. “This door was glued on. If this knife is strong enough, I am thinking all we need to do is cut away the glue and push the door in.”

The guys all patted me on the back and began helping me push the knife through. Ryland pulled a knife out of his arm and started cutting away on the other side. With Rocky and I on one side and Ross and Ry on the other we were really making some progress. Riker had stayed back with Rydel to keep her company and to watch the cutting on the inside to make sure we got the knife all the way through. About 20 minutes into the door we had finished the sides and were just about to start the bottom and top when from behind us there was a high pitched scream. “Hey! Let her go!” In like the blink of an eye Ryland was suddenly off of the floor and had his knife pointing towards the throat of some random guy. “Ouch! Could you not pull on my head so hard? You’re gonna break my neck here.” Reality sunk in and I finally realized that this guy had Sabrina in a headlock.

“I said let her go big guy!” This guy slowly and very creepily started to laugh. “Oh relax Sabrina you know you ain’t the one in serious trouble here. Although I am sure your father ain’t gonna be too happy to hear about this friend group you hot here. Why are you helping the girl sweetheart?” Sabrina suddenly stopped fighting the man. A look of recognition kind of mixed with some horror came over her face. “Uncle Gino? You’re a part of this?” The man’s smile faded a bit. It was as if he didn’t think she would figure out who he was. “Ah, look kid, your Dad loves you and all but he just really wants you to be famous before your 18.”

By this point Ryland had pretty much determined that Sabrina was really in no danger and quickly handed Rocky the knife. During the conversation I had slowly continued cutting at the glue and since I was almost done, Rocky just needed to break away the first level of glue. “What do you mean before i’m 18? What does that have to do with anything?” Just then Riker came around the box gently pointing at the right top corner of the door to show me I had missed a spot. “Sabrina, I think your father has been stealing your hard earned money. He wanted you to be making money before your 18th birthday because once you reach adult hood, you can control everything yourself therefore cutting off his money supply.”Man, give Riker something to blab on about and he could create a diversion for anyone.

“Uncle Gino is that true? Has he been stealing my money?” The big guy made a face and accidently loosened his grip on Sabrina while he thought about it. Ryland took that as his cue and ran right up to Gino slugging him right in the nose. He caught Sabrina before she plummeted to the floor and then quickly kicked Gino in the groin sending the 250 pound man to his knees. Right at that approximate moment, a loud thud rang out across the warehouse. The metal door had finally fallen in!

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