Rising Star

137 4 1

May 1st, 2014


                “So let me get this straight. I am safe because I am not a member of R5. Dad there is one problem with your story. Why does that matter? If they already have Rydel, why should the rest of the group be an issue?” Don’t get me wrong, I was happy to not be involved in the dangerous someone is out to stalk me situation; but something was not making sense. If I was a bad guy, and we all know i’m not, I would get what I wanted and leave. They have Rydel, so if that was all they wanted, would they not have left by now? Maybe it’s just the fact that I have seen one too many James Bond movies, but I almost feel like they are still working on something. They could have kidnapped Rydel, cut all ties with my parents, and left R5 scrambling... but it seems like there is something else going on.

                “WAIT, DAD, WHO IS THIS GIRL RYDEL HAS BEEN SINGING WITH?” I had suddenly gotten a brain wave that felt so good it had to be right. I probably freaked my Dad out right there but how often do you calmly react when you get an amazing thought. Dad started speaking hesitantly, “I am not really sure. I only heard them say her name once or twice in the calls. I think her name was something like Briana Carpenter... or Sadie...” “WAS IT SABRINA? SABRINA CARPENTER?” I was leaning over my Dad in his chair with excitement bursting out of my face. Dad leaned back in his seat so far I thought for sure he was going to fall over. “Actually yeah, that name sounds about right! Why do you know her?”  Do I know her? Are you kidding me? “Dad are you serious? Sabrina Carpenter is the new up and coming Disney star of 2014. She debuted with this really awesome song on March 14th called “You Can’t Blame a Girl for Trying. Dad this girl has been trying to make it big for a long time now and has spent the last few months trying to sing with R5. Don’t you find it kind of funny that she suddenly comes out with this cute song that sounds like something Rydel would write only 3 months after Rydel is missing?”  

                My Dad stood up so quickly without even thinking that he accidently flipped the table as his hands were still attached to it. “No way! Ryland you don’t think that they are trying to get this girl into the band do you?” That was exactly what I was thinking. It filled all gaps in the story. It would explain why they had guys still stalking the others. It would explain why they were not cutting ties with Mom and Dad. If they were trying to remove Rydel from the fan base, they would have to make the replacement someone who had developed fans of her own. They would have wanted to make her a Disney star so that the fans she gathered would potentially also be R5 fans.

                “YES! Oh my god, of course! Rydel has probably been giving them tips and style help to make her a rising star and that is why she has been kept alive all of this time. Dad, this is the clue we needed! I can hunt down Sabrina Carpenter and follow her and figure out where they are keeping Rydel. I can do this!” My Dad’s face lit up like a Christmas star at the top of the tree. There was a glimmer of hope in his eyes that I hadn’t seen a really long time. “Ryland my boy, you have just made the biggest break through possible! I don’t even know what to say to you but GOOD LUCK! You still cannot tell the boys until you are absolutely sure that this is correct. Once you have figured out the details, then and only then, can you tell them what you know.”

                This time I agreed with my Dad. I wasn’t going to tell them. If Riker has heard anything (which by now I am assuming he has not because he probably would have broken the door down when I had clued into the hidden star bit) then he would have to wait patiently and not tell anyone anything. “You can count on me Dad. I got this!” I hugged him quickly as I left the room with the speed of light. Riker and Rocky gave me odd looks as I ran out, waved, and started running down the hall. Half way down the hall I heard Riker shout out “Ryland! Where are you going? What did he tell you?” I was not stopping to answer him. Now that I knew, I was not going to stop until I had found Rydel. 

New Year's Angel (R5 Fan Fiction -Rydellington)Where stories live. Discover now