Something Crazy

113 6 3

May 5th, 2014


                I knew she would be here! So why was I surprised to see her? Did I think I would run into her this quickly? Most likely not, and that is probably the reason for my tense posture right now. Candace had begun this interview in all of the wrong ways. My plan for coming to the Radio Disney Teen Choice Awards prep was to learn inside information about Sabrina. So far all that had happened was I had taken a gazillion selfies with fans, and had found out that Sabrina had managed to worm her way into my families career faster than I had expected. That little annoying bright eyed blonde thing had started a rumour that R5 would be collaborating with her for a performance. Not just any performance. The Teen Choice Awards Musical Guest Appearance show was one of the biggest moments in the R5 concert list and this girl had tried to smuggle her way in. If the guys were watching this on TV right now, which knowing Ross they definitely were, they were probably super confused.

                “Sabrina Carpenter we were just talking about you! Ryland and I were discussing this rumour that you and R5 would be performing together at the TCA’s. What are your thoughts on this obviously unknown rumour?” Instantly Sabrina’s smiled faded. As she nervously looked at me I could tell that she was hiding something while she faked an answer to the question. “Well Candace, I had heard this rumour just the other day and was saying to myself that it would be awesome if it was true. Unfortunately right now it is just a rumour as R5 have not been seen in the music world in a few months. It’s really good to see you here at Radio Disney Ryland. Please tell the other’s I say hello.”

                HA! Yeah right girl! I am not telling them that. Instead I have a better idea. “Actually Sabrina I was kind of hoping you could tell them yourself when we all get together for dinner next week. I don’t know if you have heard but your Dad and my Dad go way back. I think they may have even gone to college together or something.  Just the other day I called him up to speak with this girl you may know who I believe is staying with you but instead I spoke to your Dad. We worked out a dinner party where everyone could talk about some future plans. I was just wondering... do you happen to know the address? I don’t think one has been exchanged yet.” I am not going to lie. It was pretty awesome watching this girl’s face go from cheery to insta-pale in like three seconds.  She so understood what I was talking about and it was taking everything in me not to attack this girl right here and now.

                “Oh ...uh... I had not heard that actually. Can I get back to you on that address Ryland? I just have to go find my agent... Thanks for the interview Candace and uh I’ll see all the fans at the TCA’s. Bye!” As I stood there smiling sheepishly Sabrina ran off as fast as she could. I didn’t want to lose her so I turned to Candace to end our interview. “Well that was odd wasn’t it? Anyway I really should be getting back to the Awards prep so thanks for the awesome interview Candace, and to all the fans, you can expect to see R5 real soon!” Candace thanked me and ended the take as I shook her hand and ran in the direction that Sabrina had gone. I saw my police officer body guard point towards a door in the side of the Studio B building and ran in. Thank god I had a body guard with me! As soon as I had entered I was suddenly pulled to the left so quickly my neck had almost snapped off. I looked up to see who had pulled me and then realized I had to look down as the tiny blond girl had been the one to do it.

                “What the heck was that? How do you know?” My body guard grabbed Sabrina around the waist and pulled her away from me. Before he could take her too far I ran after him grabbing her out of his hands. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, put the girl down man. She just wants to talk. Don’t be so grabby. Actually that goes for you too small fry; you just about kinked my neck.” I bent my head back and forth stretching out the muscles emphasizing my point as she huffed under her breath and crossed her arms staring at me. “Yes?” I asked her trying so hard not to laugh at how funny I was. “Ryland how do you know what I know you know?” Okay is this girl for real? I just exposed her in public and put a serious threatening target on my head and all she can do is teen girl me. “Know what; that my sister is alive and you have known this entire time because it’s your crazy ass father who has taken her. Oh I don’t know, maybe because I realized you moving up in the music world as quickly as you did could not have been done with just your talent. Don’t get me wrong you have some pipes girl, but that debut hit song... was written by my sister.”

                Well that did what I had wanted it too. She was standing there with her jaw just hanging open. “........ Look, I knew that our fathers knew each other. I knew that my dad had been the one trying to get me in with R5 and that he started that rumour about us performing together; but what are you talking about? My writer wrote that song and I have no idea where your sister is or why you think I would.”  Great! So did I just expose myself to her freaking people for no reason! Does this girl know nothing that can help me! “What do you mean, what do I mean. Don’t you know that your father kidnapped my sister and has been holding her hostage forcing her to write songs for you? Have you not sung with her on the phone? My dad heard your voice... or a recording of your voice. Oh no, do you even know anything that I am talking about.” Sabrina sat down cross legged on the floor shaking her head. “I’m sorry Ryland but up until about 10 minutes, I had never heard anything about your sister.” 

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