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April 23rd 2014


I had been in New York since February. I will be honest, for a while I wasn’t sure if I was okay. I mean, I flew back to the place of my sisters’ disappearance, stayed in the same hotel, and spoke to the same store clerks. Honestly to people on the outside, I probably seem a little crazy. Who in their right mind stalks the crime scene hoping that a clue will just fall from the sky? Apparently I do. Obviously, nothing came up as the police had already cleared the street by the next day and it has now been a few months since the accident had happened. My heart was broken and you know what is funny? I don’t think I have ever thought this much about Rydel. Don’t get me wrong she is my sister and I love her. But Riker was always the one looking out for us; especially Rydel. Rydel and I were your typical brother and sister. I got along better with my brothers but I would have done anything to keep her safe. Unfortunately that was something that I didn’t do when she needed me the most. 

Today started out like any other day. I woke up in my hotel room feeling lousy; the one Rydel had been staying in on New Years. The room looked exactly the same as we had left it, except I had noticed that the end table had been replaced. Was that weird? I don’t remember the table being damaged when we left but again, it had been a while since the accident so who knows what has happened here since then. Anyway, it was a somewhat normal day in New York. I had just gone downstairs to get breakfast when my phone rang. “Hey Riker, what’s up?” I answered. “Rocky! You have got to get to a fax machine and fast!” Needless to say I was a little confused. “Okay and why do I need a fax machine?” I heard Riker sigh on his end of the line. “Look it is a long story but basically Ross, Ellington and I are faxing you two photographs from the scene. There are some pieces of evidence circled in red Sharpie that we need to get to the police officer that was working on our case.” The line went dead and I booked it out of my room.

I ran down to the front desk requesting the message that had been sent to the hotel fax machine for Rocky Lynch. The concierge asked for my ID and room number and then handed me an envelope. I ran back to my room and sat down on my bed. Once there I called Riker back. “Hey bro, so I got the photo’s, what do I do now.” “Okay, you need to look at the picture of the wreck. Do you see the head rest that would have been Rydel’s? There are hand prints that come from the back of the car. Someone was in that car with Ratiliff and Rydel.” Looking at the pictures I couldn’t believe that this hadn’t been noticed until now. It seemed so obvious! “Oh my god, so are you telling me the police officers never noticed these hand prints?” Riker became excited. “That’s exactly what I’m telling you. I have looked through all of the reports. Not one person mentioned hand prints found on the seat. It may have been the lighting in the picture that pointed it out but there are clear hand prints there. And do you remember how the officer had said the back door of the car was open? Well look at the next picture. Those are the beads from the Happy New Year’s necklace that Rydel had been wearing. None of the officers could explain how the necklace would have broken there. That’s when we realized. Rydel was pulled out of that car before the accident occurred which means she could still be out there!”

I nearly dropped the phone from excitement. This was the best news I had heard in months. Was she still alive? I guess I really hadn’t thought about it before. Before this I had seriously thought that if I ever did find out what had happened, I was most likely going to find Rydel dead. Today proved that I had given up hope or was pretty close to it. Now as I hung up the phone and grabbed my things to leave, I suddenly had a burst of energy. Rydel had to be alive. I had to get to that police station! I had to find her! As I ran out of the hotel, I immediately flagged down a cab. “To the NYPD please!”

The cab ride felt like it took forever, but in reality it was probably the fastest trip I had ever taken in New York. Normal New York traffic was actually pretty light today. After paying the driver, I ran up the steps of the Central Police station and right to the front desk. “Officer Nichols please, it’s an emergency involving the Rydel Lynch Case.” The officer at the desk made a quick call and asked me to take a seat in the waiting room. About 5 minutes had passed when a deep voice called my name. “Rocky? What are you still doing in New York? You know staying here is not going to help anything.” I stood up and pulled out the envelope of photos. “Officer Nichols, please just listen to what I have to tell you. Riker just faxed these over to me. We have something that you definitely need to see!” “Alright, alright, Rocky come into my office and we can talk there.”

Sitting down, I pulled out the photographs and placed them on the desk. Officer Nichols listened to my explanation of the evidence we had discovered and our theory about Rydel being pulled out the back door. As I was talking he would occasionally glance down at a note pad, or the picture, or stop me to take down a note. When I was finished explaining everything he seemed almost lost in thought. After a few minutes he sat forward in his chair and reached for his phone. “Officer Gage, can you please call forensics and ask them to run some finger prints on the passenger seat of the Lynch car? Thanks and put a rush on that.” He hung up the phone and looked up at me with a serious look on his face. “Well Rocky, you boys definitely found something here. I can’t believe my entire team of researchers missed this and it had to take four young men to put the clues together. Tell your brothers and that friend of yours good work. While you’re at it apologize to your family and Ellington. If this had been found a few months ago, he never would have been put under suspicion. Unfortunately this does change the case a bit. We are now not just looking at a possible homicide. We could be dealing with a very successful kidnapping.”

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