Lets tell the world

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Narrator's POV:

After Dianne found her way into the warm and comforting home the other side of London, from where she woke up this morning, the night took an unusually normal turn. Of course Dianne was still devastated about her and Joe breaking up; but with her feet up, and a glass of red wine sitting comfortably in her hand, Dianne found herself laughing to a friend as if nothing was out of the ordinary. At least that's what it felt like anyway. It felt like after she finished her drink she would say goodbye to  her closest friend in the world, put down her glass, get her shoes on and walk back home... well back to Joe's anyway. 

But across from her sat that very friend. A friend with a very different perspective to the one that Dianne thought she had. With a mug of tea in her cold hands, Chloe sat opposite Dianne trying her very best to ignore the sight that she saw before her. Dianne's hair - usually cascading perfectly down her graceful shoulders - now an uneven mess, the infamous shade of red it carried beginning to fade, showing the brunet remnants of her natural hair colour showing through. Her eyes were red and blotchy, and the bags under her eyes were certainly not helping her tired and teary state. And to cap it all off, the glass in her hands that Chloe had only filled up barely 5 minutes ago already had no more than two sips left in it. But still despite her different person, still she had a smile on her face, and still they found something else to talk about. And although it all seemed blissful for a moment, Chloe was sensible enough to know that now was not the time for laughter... Dianne needed nothing more than a shoulder to cry on, and Chloe knew she had to be that.

"Dianne." Chloe called out, getting the Aussies attention as she finished off the last drop of her wine. Looking at her expectantly, Dianne put down her glass and nodded to Chloe, gesturing for her to continue. "Di, I think we need to talk about why you came here." 

Dianne instantly dropped her smile, her eye line falling in shame as all her guilt and worries rushed back into her mind after the few minutes of blissful ignorance she enjoyed once she got to Chloe's. But she knew why she came here, and Dianne realised that it was about time she got all of this shit off of her chest, and out into the open. "Okay.... let's talk about it" clearing her throat, she sat straight on her chair, corrected her posture and ignored the subtle tremble of her lower lip, signifying she was going to cry. 

"Okay Di, tel me what happened."

Joe's POV:

I sat there, on my floor. My back pressed up against the glass panelled door leading into my living room. My knees were rocked up to my chest, my head in my hands as I allowed the tears to flow from my eyes. 

It hurt... Everything about this hurt. I never, ever saw Dianne as the sort of person to do this to me. I never saw as being the sort of person who would rather lie to her closest friends to get out of telling me rather than just be honest with me. I never thought I would see her walking out of that door for good. But most of all, I never saw myself being the reason that she did it at all. 

Despite Dianne's strong words before she left, I knew that it was my fault deep down. Maybe, just maybe if I had sent her a text that night to let her know that I loved her then it never would have happened. Maybe that's all it would have taken not to push her to the bar, and then to the arms of another man. Just one text. Just one message. Just three words. But I couldn't do it. I was too caught up in playing video games with my friends to distract myself from being alone. But now... now I know what being alone really feels like. 

And I hate it.

I hate the fact that I was too self orientated to realise what I had.

I hate the fact that I'm not good enough to keep even the most chilled out, most amazing girl in my arms.

I hate the fact that I've lost her.

And after her speech about wanting her back, I hate the fact that she's right.

I hate the fact that she knows me so well.

I hate the fact that she cheated on me.

And in some aspects I hate that I fell for her in the first place. That I was blured by the red hair, funny jokes and the way she would move when we danced.

But most of all I hate that I love her.

It was evident in my mind that my tired and cranky thoughts were getting me absolutely no where. I was to conflicted within my head and my heart to rationalise what had happened to me within the past 24 hours. Ever since I could talk I had hated conflicts. At school if there was a fight I would run away and hide in the toilets until it was over, if there was an argument at home I would sit in my room and cry, and when my parents got divorced I shut everyone out until I could think straight.

Well.... all but one that was. There was only ever one person that could help me when I felt like this. At school she would come and find me in the toilets - at home she would give me a hug and dry my eyes - and when our parents got divorced, there was only ever one person who could show me that it was for the better in our family. And right now, I knew that she would be the only person who could help.

I lifted my head out of my hands, squinting my eyes as the mixture of tears and the harsh light from outside attacked my sight. Seeing my phone over on the kitchen counter, I roused my shaky limbs and wondered over it. Unlocking it and heading straight onto my contact list, scrolling right to the bottom and pressing the cal button.

Bringing the phone up to my ear with a shaky hand, I dried my eyes and cleared my throat before the ringing stopped and the most familiar voice in the world picked up.

"Ello!" the cheery voice which I knew could be serious at the flick of a switch graced my ears.

"Hey, have you got a minute?"

"Yeah what's up?"

"I need some advice..."

A/N Hey people! Sorry that this wasn't the best part, I got home really late last night and had to absolutely power through to get a part written for you tonight. Although the quality wasn't the best, I really hope you enjoyed it. Also thank you for over 7K reads you legends. Lots of love for you all xx 

Joe and Dianne: Life away from youWhere stories live. Discover now