Say it now

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"Joe?" Calling his name tentatively, Dianne waited patiently for him to turn around from his position on the bed, where he sat adding the final touches to his most recent vlog.

"Yeah?" He questioned as he looked up from the screen and towards the door where she stood, fiddling nervously with a lose strand of hair that had slipped from the messy bun she had put her hair into roughly half an hour ago, Dianne left her gaze settled onto the floor.

"Can we go out for a bit?" Her voice was quiet - childlike almost, as if she was afraid as to what his answer would be.

"Yeah of course." Joe began as he hit save on his edit. Standing up and walking over to her, Joe embraced her in a hug. Pressing his lips onto the top of her forehead as he held her tightly. "Everything okay?" He questioned.

"Yeah... I-uh... I just wanted to spend some time with you for a little bit." She mumbled gently into his chest before pulling away so that she could look at him. A gentle smile playing on her lips, matching his as he closed the minuet gap between them and kissed her.

"Well lets get going then shall we?" Joe questioned as he held her hand and followed her out of the house.

He had no idea where it was that they were exactly going, but as Joe watched his girlfriend cycle through the suburban streets of her childhood, a thought played on his mind.

After his conversation with Mark their first night in Bunbury, Joe had found himself imagining his life in the future more so than he ever had done before. He knew that one day he wanted to marry the sprightly red head who was peddling a few metres in front of him. He knew that she was the only person he could ever envision himself growing old with. He knew that she was the last person he wanted to see when he died. He knew it all.

But as he watched her cycle her way through the town where she grew up, Joe realised the true extent as to his feelings for her, and the future he wanted to have with her. The underlying truth being that he would do anything for her. Even if that anything meant moving thousands of miles away from his family and friends, and living in one of the houses on the corner of the road he was cycling on.

But that thought was something Joe knew that he could keep to himself. At least for a little while anyway.

As the beach came into view, Joe and Dianne got of their bikes and began the walk down onto the sea front. The beach was almost deserted - the only other people on the vast, sandy expanse being that of an elderly woman walking her dog along the sea front.

Walking down hand in hand, Joe and Dianne took the time to take in their surroundings. The warm sand beneath their feet, providing a gentle surface to walk upon for miles. The clouded sky rippled with deep orange hues and bursts of yellow as the sun began to set along the horizon. The gentle cascades of the ocean mirroring the coloured bursts of above as it threw waves of water onto, and off of, the beach. And more importantly, the feeling of each others hands in their own as they made their way across the sand in a comfortable silence which they had shared since leaving the house.

"This place is everything." Dianne muttered to herself as she stood with the waves gently brushing against her bare feet.

Walking over to her, Joe's eyes landed on the body of the petite red head who stood facing the ocean that she grew up next to. A vast, blue expanse that had been there since her very first day on this earth. One which she had become detached from and now lived millions of miles away from.

Walking up next to her and taking her hand in his, Joe followed her eye line out to sea. "It's special huh?" He questioned.

"Yeah... It's the one place that I know off by heart. I spent at least half of my childhood on this beach. Andrew and I used to practice our routines down here when Mum told us to stop doing it in the lounge in case we broke something. I had my first ever kiss on this beach, and I was sat here playing with Billy and Mia when I got the call to be on Strictly."

Joe and Dianne: Life away from youWhere stories live. Discover now