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"Joe are you ready?" Dianne questioned impatiently as she tapped her foot on the polished floor of the cafe hidden in the depths of Heathrow Terminal 5.

"Yeah, just give me like 2 minutes." He mumbled quietly as he faffed around with his various bags and camera equipment. His usual nervous energy he got in an airport seeming to dissipate and instead find its way into Di as she continued looking at her watch in anticipation.

Today was a big day for her after all. It was the first time she would get to go home, her true home, in over a year. And she couldn't be more excited if she tried.

"Come one Joe. Stop being so ridiculously slow for once, the gates open and we need to leave!" She whined as she began tugging on the sleeve to his hoodie like a small child.

"Bloody hell Dot, calm down!" He retorted with a smug grin, knowing just how much he was irritating her. "Right I'm ready now." He said as he followed her out of the cafe. "What gate is it?" He questioned as he attempted to match the speed walk that his girlfriend was adamant on using. Her powerful legs and sleek body making her far much quicker than he ever was, resulting in Joe doing a light jog around the terminal.

"Gate 34 A... Um... Wait a second.... Heathrow to Dubai... No, 34 B." Dianne said as she looked up to the several large boards placed around the centre court of the main seating area.

"Right well lets get going then." Joe said as he grabbed a hold of her hand and lead her towards the right set of gates. Noticing the wide smile across Dianne's face made Joe's heart melt that little bit more. The last time they were in this airport, they had just returned from what was undoubtedly a holiday that the two of them partly wanted to forget. Their trip to Greece having caused a large amount of pain for the two of them. But this was different. This was new for the both of them

It was the first ever Christmas that Joe would have to spend abroad, and consequently, the first Christmas that he would spend away from his Family. Likewise for Dianne, this Christmas was the first time she would ever take this 24 hour journey with company. Joe being the first of her boyfriends to ever be invited for a Buswell Christmas in Australia, and the first Boyfriend to meet her family, her whole family, in almost 8 years.

Finally the two of them made it to the correct gate. Their carry on luggage resting on their tired arms as the late night began to take its toll on the pair. But as they settled onto the plane, taking their seats and familiarising themselves with their surroundings, Joe and Dianne looked at each other and shared a smile. A smile that they hadn't given each other in a long time. One filled with pure joy and contentment at the adventure that they were not only about to embark on, bu the one they would be on together.

"Are you ready?" Dianne questioned as she reached her arm over the console that sat between them. Nodding gently, Joe grabbed her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "Are you sure?" She questioned further. "This is your last chance to bail out and spend Christmas with your own family. Remember that us Buswell's can be a handful sometimes." She said with a cheeky glint in her eye.

"believe me I know that already." Joe retorted sarcastically. "But on a serious note, there is not a chance in hell I could spend Christmas away from you again. It was bad enough when we had just begun going out, let alone what I would be like now. Besides I am so excited to meet your family. And if they are half as incredible as you, then I know I will have the best time out there."Joe said sweetly as he pressed his lips gently onto the hand he was still holding.

Feeling no need to reply, Dianne settled back into her seat. The feeling of nervous excitement she experienced whenever she thought about seeing her family returning. But this time more so than ever, as it combined with the feeling of nervous excitement she got every time she looked at the perfect man to her right. The perfect man that was hers.

Joe and Dianne: Life away from youWhere stories live. Discover now