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Your roommate would be moving in today. You couldn't afford the rent to this place alone especially when you have another mouth to feed. Your son. Jeongsan. Your roommate still hasn't found out about him and if you were to tell them before hand they would find somewhere else, nobody wants to live with a kid. You'll see how they react when they get here. In about 15 minutes.

"Jeongsan! Are you ready?" You called to him as he sat around his toys.

"Mhm." He hummed a reply showing that he was ready to meet the new person. Though you knew he wasn't ready. Every time someone would come he would get shy and nervous and wouldn't act the same. People scared him. He only knew you after all.

How did you get such an adorable son you would never understand that. His dad was mediocre and so were you, how did he get this blessed? Either way you loved him with everything you had. He was everything to you, he was all you had left. You couldn't bear to lose this house, you didn't want him to live in a dump and if you couldn't find someone to pay rent soon you would be screwed. Hopefully this person would actually stay.

"Mommy, are dey comin yet?" His cute little voice ran through your head just before your doorbell rang.

"They're here, baby." You then made you way to the front door breathing in and out before opening the door to find a stranger. A man. He was taller than you and kind of intimidating. He had dark long locks of curly hair and dark eyes. Not to mention the tattoos that laced his forearm. He only had a small book bag with him, not much at all to be moving in somewhere. You didn't expect to see a man at your front door but at this point it didn't matter who would live with you. You just couldn't pay rent alone.

"Are you Park Y/n?" His voice was deeper than expected and gave off a indescribable vibe, chilling, mysterious. "I am." But before you could let him in Jeongsan came running the the front door.

"A boy?" He looked up to the man with a confused expression. He hasn't really been around men much. He's never even really spoke to one. "You have a kid?" The man's expression was unreadable. His face looked disappointed but his eyes looked full of life and ready to cuddle Jeongsan.

"Mhm. I'm sorry I didn't tell you it's just if I do people leave and we really nee-" Before you couldn't finish ranting the young man cut you off.

"No it's fine. I just need somewhere to stay." He sent a small smile. You then let him walk inside and guided him to the living room to talk.

"Well um, what's your name?" His name was J.K on his account where he contacted you to move in so you never found out his real name.

Mommy! -jjkWhere stories live. Discover now