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You ended up showering after being completely covered in whipped cream. You needed to clear your thoughts as well. How could he just say that? Was he flirting? And why did it affect you so much? Jungkook was a good looking man, around your age, and a kind person, how could you not feeling something?

No, it's not like you like him or anything. You haven't had that in years. You couldn't deal with that.

You started to wonder what his lips would taste like with the whipped cream, if he was a lip biter-

WTF NO. Has it really been that long since you had any action? Are you that needy? Maybe going out sometime would do some good.

*Knock Knock*

"What's taking so long?" Jungkook called out to you. Why he was in your room, you had no clue.

"I'm kinda showering, kook."

"I need to shower too, and I don't want to leave Jeongsan alone." He whined.

"Give me a minute." You laughed at his cute whiny voice.

"Or can I join you?" He sounded playful.

"Yah! Stop being pervy." You giggled.

"But I like being pervy with you." You could sense him grinning from outside the door.

"Yeah I can tell, now go watch my kid. I'll be out in a minute." You still had a smile on your face after scolding him.

You could hear him walk out of your bedroom, as a signal that you could leave. Wrapping a towel around your body you left the bathroom and was welcome into your much colder bedroom. Your whole body now covered in chills, you tried to find some clothes in your dresser.

You weren't going anywhere today so you just put on a hoodie and sweatpants, not really caring about what Jungkook would think, he's already seen you with no makeup to messy buns, your comfortable with whatever now.

Stepping out of your bedroom, he sighed at your entrance and went off to his bedroom to shower. You joined Jeongsan out into the bedroom with his cartoons playing across the screen. Sitting down on the couch and scrolling down on your phone for the next ten minutes.

Jungkook has been flirty lately. Not that you mind, NO YOU DO MIND. You couldn't let him affect you anymore. You couldn't develop a crush on your roommate. It just couldn't happen. He needed to stop being so cute.

Does Jungkook have work tonight? You started wondering. You honestly didn't want him to leave, you like him around.

You could hear him leave his room and come out to the living room.

"Hey do you have-" You cut off your own words as you saw his form, once again affecting you. His dark wet locks, dripping down his bare chest. His bottom half in grey sweatpants. He's just casually walking around shirtless.

"What?" He lightly smirked as you were stuck drooling.

"Um, d-do you have work?" You questioned trying your best not to fall over your words.

"Yeah, tonight I do." He sat next to you on the couch. His thigh to touching yours.

His hair dripping onto his abdomen, you tried your best not to stare, but he was very well built. You couldn't help it.

"Like what you see?" He chuckled, his abdomen muscles contracting while doing so.

"No, your going to catch a cold." You scoffed to him.

"Then keep me warm." He smirked and laid his head on your lap. Your legs tightening at the action. What was up with him?

"Yah, you big baby, get off me." You lightly punched his bare shoulder.

"Nah, I'm good." He rubbed his head into you and got comfy, pulling a blanket over himself.

"Are you serious?"

"Of course. Does it look like I'm getting up?" He laughed and closed his eyes.

You sighed loudly, showing how upset you were. Though you weren't. But you should be.

"Mommy, I want cuddles too." Jeongsan noticed the two of you being close and he decided to cuddle into Jungkook's arms.

Jungkook proceeded to get off your lap and rub his face in you neck, and wrapping his arms around your waist. Cuddling up to you, as Jeongsan cuddled into Jungkook's chest.

"Get off me you muscle pig." You tried pushing him off, but soon realized what you called him.

"So your taking notice to my muscles?" He looked up to with his arms still around you.

"Don't think much into it." You slapped his shoulder as he laughed into your neck. His warm breathe hitting the skin.

"Mmm, you smell good." He hummed into your skin.

You didn't say anything as you didn't know what you could possibly say to that. He needs to calm his hormones. He's been so perverted the past few days and honestly your heart couldn't take a flirty handsome man.

"Y/n." He stared at you, as you faced the tv.

"You're cute." He smirked as he spoke, you could sense it.

"Yah! Stop being so perverted, god get some manners." You hit him as he laughed at you. Your cheeks reaching a high heat, and turning to a bright red color.

"You're blushing." He Bunny smiled, teasing you.

"Am not!" You growled at him.

"Am too!" He giggled.

"You're such a kid." How could he go from all confident to a baby in a matter of seconds?

He snuggled closer to you, leaning his head of your shoulder.


It was time for him to leave for work.

"I don't want you to leave." Jeongsan whined.

"Well I don't wanna go either bud, but I have to." He pouted back at the younger.

He put on his coat and grabbed his phone and keys waving goodbye, before making sure to wink at you. Making your heart do a backflip.

After he left you sent Jeongsan to bed early. Leading him to your room and tucking him in.

"Mommy, can I call Jungkook daddy yet?"

I love you guys

Small part, because I was sick for like 6 days

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Small part, because I was sick for like 6 days. Love puking guys🤪

Mommy! -jjkWhere stories live. Discover now