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The day was wasted by lying around the house with nothing to do. Yet you couldn't stop thinking about him, even when he was right next to you. He gave you butterflies. The feelings you haven't had in a long time. He made you feel warm, pretty even.


She was perfect. I was not. She made me warm. Something I've never felt. I officially care about her, I'm not sure of my feelings quite yet. But I know that I have to be near her. She's an angel. I can't let her go down the same path as my mother. Withering away with the sad sad disease that is anorexia. My mom couldn't fight it, I didn't know what to do at the time. I won't let her end up the same.

She sighed from the couch, tired. I could see it. Her cheekbones were shaved in, along with her eyes. Such beautiful eyes, they've seen so much.

"Ready for bed?" She asked her son with a smile.

"Yes, mommy." He smiled so sweetly. He adored his mother it was clear. They were each other's, only people.

They both got up and went to the bedroom. I needed to get my mind off this. I needed a drink. That's exactly what I did, going off to the hidden cabinet I kept my goods there, away from Jeongsan. Opening up the liquor and taking a long sip.

Do I like her? I've never had feelings for anyone before. All lies and fake fucks, but I didn't want to do that to her. I would never get up and leave her. Not a one night stand. But I can't. Cant like her, I wouldn't be able to support them. People are after me. I'm a fighter, not a lover.

Sighing. Another sip down my throat, burning. Drinking drop after drop. I don't know how long I've sat here. Maybe I need another one nightstand. Just to get my mind off things. I would never bring a girl here though. I have too much respect for them.

And no. I don't have a drinking problem. At least I don't think I do. It's not as often as it used to be.

"Jungkook?" I looked over to see Y/n standing across from the kitchen table, where I sat and drinked.


"Why are you drinking?" She crossed her arms.

"Can I not? Im just tired, alright." It came out ruder than intended as the alcohol got to me.


Drinking this late, in the middle of the kitchen.

"You should go to bed." I stated.

"I don't want to." He sounded tired, he was fighting himself.

"Tell me Y/n. Why do you do this to yourself?"

Confused you were set back.

"What do you mean?"

"This." He got up and hugged you tight, almost breaking you.

"Your body. So fragile. I never understood it. Why won't you eat?" Tears came to your eyes as he mentioned it.

"What? I'm fine." You knew you were lying to yourself at this point.

"You're not. I can't let you go, like her. I can't take it again." He started crying as he held you.

"Jungkook, what do you mean?" Tears starting leaking from your eyes at the sight of him like this.

"M-my mom. She died like this. A-an eating disorder." He squeezed you tight as he soaked your clothes with tears.

"Koo. I'm so sorry." You cried right along with him.

"Please don't do this, I know I sound manipulative. But please, don't leave me the same way." He looked you in your teary eyes as he spoke.

"Jungkook, I-I don't have anything like that." You lied straight to his face but he knew it. He wasn't dumb.

"Y/n. Please, get help. For Jeongsan." You both cried staring at one another. He wasn't wrong. What would happen when you finally died from this? Where would Jeongsan go? We had nobody.

"Kook. I-I, I don't know. I can't."

"You can. I'll be here every step. Please."


He cut you off. But not in the way you had expected. He kissed you. Both of you covered in tears crying in the kitchen with the taste of liquor on his tongue. He didn't stop, continuing to press his lips against yours, you caved. Kissing him back with the same gentle force. Pulling each other closing as your lips danced on his. Finally letting go and breathing with foreheads press together.

"I think I like you." He smiled dopily.

"Kook." You breathed out.

"Just let me kiss you."

He dove back into you, taking your lips with his. Bodies pressed together as you did so. No lust was present. Pure liking for one another. As if he was showing you the love you never got.

kinda short, but i made this pretty quick and started crying bc it's mental illness luv🥰 idk how this story blew up while i was dead, but okay🥺❤️

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