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Neither of you have really talked much. You have work starting soon and nobody to watch Jeongsan. You've looked for a babysitter but they all look too sketchy and Jungkook probably has work anyway. Not saying you exactly trust him, but you trust him more than a random lady. Though you shouldn't ask him anyway, things are still weird. You only talk to him when you have to like in the mornings or a small goodbye when he goes to work.

Both of you were avoiding what had "happened" and didn't want to talk about it. You still couldn't make it less awkward. It was just an almost kiss, that's all. But it still bothered you, and it still felt odd when you thought about how it made you flutter. You don't like him, you just sort of, missed the contact with someone. Yeah, that's it.

(((scenes ahead may be triggering‼️)))
Jeongsan's already in bed, leaving you alone and awake. Jungkook still at work, though it was already 11:48 P.M. you didn't t want to care about where he was though. He had a way in anyhow, why can't you just sleep?

Maybe because your hungry, and you haven't ate much since the incident. It made you feel guilty for opening that damned door. Not eating was a way of punishment for you, but made you feel better when you saw the results of skinniness shining through. Little bones peaking through your skin, no of course you don't have an eating disorder, that's for skinny people. Not a pig like you.


The sound of your front door startled you. He was home. You didn't want to talk so you gathered your things from the kitchen table and walked toward your bedroom door. You couldn't face the awkwardness.

"Wait, Y/n." He called out to you. You were caught, you slowly turned around to meet him. Analyzing his features. A black eye, and a cut lip. He got into some sort of fight once again. Taking a breath you set down your stuff on the stand in the hallway and walked up to him.

"Do you have any medical supplies I could use?" He used the same sentence as before. He lightly smiled at himself.

"What happened this time?" You didn't play his games and grabbed his chin, turning his face as you looked around for any other injuries. Just the lip and under eye. It was a light blueish purple shade as his lip was cut lightly and bleeding.

"I'm fine, really." He gave you his bunny smile, hoping you'd let it go.

"That's not what I asked." You didn't let it go. What he was doing at work? Getting into fights?

"Y/n. It's fine." He avoided your gaze. You guided him to the bathroom once again and got out some alcohol to clean his lip.

"Jungkook, tell me." You meant it. You had a right to know just where your roommate worked and if he could get fired due to something like this.

Mommy! -jjkWhere stories live. Discover now