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Jungkook stayed in his room all day. You couldn't get your mind off last night. The way he held you, the way he kissed you, ever so soft.

"Mommy!" He brought you back to earth.

"Yes, sweets?" You both were sitting at the kitchen table, eating.

"Do you have work tonight?" Such a big sentence for him.

"I do hunny." You pouted to him.

"Will dad watch me?" He smiled, as you choked on your saliva. At the same moment, Jungkook came out of his room, shirtless.

"Dad will watch you." Jungkook smiled and sat down near your son.

Your heart nearly skipped a beat at the sight.

"Yay!! Dad is so fun to play with." Your heart jumped, but not with jealousy. With just how cute they were together.

"He is?" You questioned.

"He's so fun, mommy! Movies, snacks, bubbles!" He giggled at the thought.

Jungkook ruffled Jeongsan's hair as he spoke.

"All by bedtime right?" You wondered, teasing.

"Mostly." He snitched on Jungkook with a smirk.

"Mostly," Jungkook confirmed with a smile.

These boys would be the death of you. They were just too cute.

"Hey, I'm going to go shower, be good." You changed the subject and left them to eat.

Getting into the shower with a vanilla body wash covering your skin. Thinking. About yesterday. Did he remember it? He was drinking, but he was still standing normally. It hurt seeing him cry like that. You didn't know about his past and this gave you a sliver of it.

His mom passed. Due to an eating disorder, maybe that's why he's so touchy with you about it. He couldn't help her, but he wants to help you.

And then the kiss. How great it felt. You haven't kissed someone like that in years, never felt that way. It was always lust. You couldn't feel that with him.


You got out of the shower, still naked, and went into your bedroom, dressing into your undergarments.

"Hey-" Shit.

You didn't lock the bedroom door. Standing in your red bra and matching panties, he stood there. Your arms flinched to cover your body.

"I wanted to talk about last night but now I want to recreate it."

His eyes full of mischief. He remembered the night before.

"Jungkook." Your breath hitched as he came closer pulling you in by your hips.

"Jeongsan." You remembered your son, probably in the living room all alone.

"Just one kiss." He had you hooked.

Brining your face close, your lips collided. You shouldn't be doing this. This time it may have just been a temptation. Something you didn't want. You pushed him back lightly.

"I'm sorry." He stated, licking his lips. The taste of you.

"There's nothing to be sorry for." You couldn't stop staring at the lips that had kissed you so tenderly.

"I like you. I really do. I want to be here for you." He spoke with honesty.

"I like you too kook, but-"

He kissed you again. Didn't want to hear your reasoning as to why not. You shouldn't do this, you have a child to take care off. If things don't work out how could you live together? You needed a roommate, the bills. Everything would fall apart.

You pushed him off again.

"I need to go to work." You stated, changing the atmosphere.

"Right. I just, I don't know." He backed up a bit.

"I'm sorry." His last words.

He left your bedroom. This was all so fucking confusing.

He liked you. You liked him.

Too much too soon.


You left the boys, waving goodbye. Off to work.


He was just too cute. She was just too cute. The perfect family in my thoughts. I like her. I said it, I've come to terms with it. I care about her, a lot. In a way, I think I could be the father figure for Jeongsan, but I have a bad past. A job that wouldn't be safe for them, not something crazy. Just something you wouldn't want a child around.

"Daddy!" He yelled out for me from the living room. A warm feeling growing in me, with his words.

"Coming, babes." I walked out of the kitchen with his juice in hand.

"Here." I handed it over.

"Thank you." He smiled, sweetly.

He was adorable honestly. Not to mention his name, it was odd, but that's the name I wanted to name my first son. He looked so much like his mom. He was kind like her too. They deserve the world, the world doesn't deserve them.

I can't believe I kissed her though. I can't stop doing it, she's just so gorgeous, and perfect. I want to show her love, real love. Hearing that everyone left her, I can't stop thinking about it. Why would anyone leave such a beautiful soul?

It's official. I like Song Y/n. I want to be with her.


Taking orders, how boring. Most being rude republicans complaining about how the election is rigged against them.

And then they showed up again.

"Hey, Jungkook's girl right?" The boy asked from the passenger seat. I had already forgotten most of their names.

"Not his, but yes, his roommate." I sighed at the slightly drunken college boys.

"Remember me?" The one driving asked.

"Seokjin?" You guessed.

"What a doll. You remembered." He smirked.

"So not Jungkook's? Does that mean I can steal you?" He asked with a mischievous smile.

"Ah-" You didn't know how to reply to such a straightforward question. Ignoring it and getting their meals ready.

"Hey! Seokjin, he said no." The guy in the back slapped his head, earning a glare from Seokjin.

"Can I have your number, dollface?" He continued flirting with you at the window.

"Seokjin! He'll kill you." Another in the back yelled. Were they talking about Jungkook? Couldn't be. Or maybe Seokjin had a boyfriend and this would be cheating? Either or.

"U-um sure." You awkwardly answered and wrote it on the receipt before handing it to him, and passing them their food.

"Better answer me, babe." He winked and pulled out of the restaurant.

Boys. Boys. Boys.

AYO🔈I UPDATED🔈 not that good though, i tried :0

Mommy! -jjkWhere stories live. Discover now