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The day was filled with giggles mostly from Jeongsan and Jungkook. You simply sat at the couch going through forms of social media, looking at art. Different styles of many different artists. People, animals, nature. The main spectrum of art. Focused on the art, you didn't notice Jungkook taking a seat next to you. Still analyzing someone's drawing of a popular idol.

"You're into art?" He asked, slowly guiding you out of your thoughts.

"I guess you could say that." You smiled lightly still keeping your eyes on the lit screen of your phone.

"Can I see some of your work?" He asked gazing at you.

"Ah, I'm not any good. I didn't really take many classes." You answered cringing just by thinking of your art. You really didn't think you were much good anyway.

"I won't know unless you show me." He smirked.

(((next scene could be triggering‼️)))

"Fine." You sighed as you went through your camera roll turning away from him, not letting him see all your pictures. Going back to about 4 months ago you found a painting of a girl, young and beautiful but the world around her crumbling. Earthquakes shattered the ground as clouds filled the sky. It was deeper then you intended to make it. Silently you turned your phone and showed him the photo.

"진짜? This is so good, Y/n!" He analyzed the photo grasping your phone and then eyeing you.

"You're not just into art. You're an artist." He looked at you with all seriousness then back to the photo finding the meaning behind it. The girl so lost and afraid. Her world being destroyed.

"It's really not that good. Don't pity me." You looked down to your lap as that feeling filled you, you're not enough.

"Y/n. Believe in your self. Just imagine what you could do with this, you could be someone." The look he gave showed he "cared". But you were used to that "look". It was just to make you feel better. You tried to ignore the last word. Someone. It reminded you that in this moment you were not someone, you weren't anything.

"Thanks, I guess." You didn't know how to take the compliment considering you didn't believe it anyhow.

"But really, maybe you should take some classes. This could get you places." He let his hand hold your shoulder trying to show comfort. You shivered under his warm hand.

"Thanks, Jungkook." You lightly smiled as your pretended you were good enough. But the moment didn't last too long before Jeongsan crawled onto the couch and into your lap.

"Mommyyyy." He whined eyeing you.


"Watch with me." He stared at the tv the characters dancing around making him want to as well. He wiggled in your lap, dancing.

"You have quite the kid." Jungkook smiled to him.

"I do, I definitely do." You smiled down at him.

*♥~♥*♥~♥*♥time skip♥*♥~♥*♥~♥*

"Jungkook, your key!" You yelled that night as he was about to head to work. He must have odd hours, one day in the morning, one day it's at night. Quite odd.

"Ah, I forgot!" He came running back to the kitchen to grab it from you before waving and heading off.

"Bye Jungkook!" Jeongsan sang proudly as he waved Jungkook goodbye.

"Bye, bud." He waved as he exited the house leaving you and your son alone. It being late by now you picked up your son and led him into the bedroom and tucking him in, but before you could lay down he cut you off.

"Mommy, can you read me a story?" You being tired you wanted to say no, but couldn't deny your adorable child. Reaching for a book and clearing your throat.

"There was once a young boy and his loving mother and father. But this boy was special he was a prince. His mother the queen and his father a king."

"Am I a prince mommy?"

"Of course you are baby." You kissed his cheek and continued on with the story.

"But there was a mean dragon in the kingdom even the knights were scared of. It would bully all the people in the kingdom for no reason at all. He was a meanie. But the prince wasn't scared, even though the king was.

Jeongsan giggled at that. The king was scared. Child humor.

"But then the king told his soldiers to kill the beast. To which the prince didn't agree."

"The prince is very nice." Jeongsan said with a smile.

"Just like you."

"I would kill it like boom, blow, pew, pew, pew! He started moving around making arm movements of fighting the dragon as you smiled at him.

"I would be just like a brave knight. Like my new dad." Jeongsan smiled at you.

You words caught in your throat. New dad. The only man he knew was Jungkook and he already looked at him like that. A father. Not that it's bad, not that it's good. Jeongsan did need a male in his life but you didn't expect it to be this soon. How could you say that Jungkook wasn't going to be his new father. You didn't want to upset him. But you had taken to long to reply.

"Right Mommy? Strong like Jungkook." He flexed his nonexistent muscles and grinned. What were you supposed to say?

"He's not your new daddy baby." You sent a gently smile hoping he wouldn't get upset.

"But he could be. Please Mommy?" He smiled at you and put his hands together begging you. You didn't want to let him down or hurt him so you simply said this.

"Maybe. Maybe one day."

I love you guys

uneditedI love you guys♡

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Mommy! -jjkWhere stories live. Discover now