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Leaving was embarrassing. His grandmother watched Jeongsan and got coloring pages out for him while you both were in the bathroom. It was clear both of you had cried from your red eyes. He took the food home in boxes and said goodbye to her. Driving home.

"Mommy, were you crying?" Jeongsan asked.

"I was just a little sad baby, don't worry." You answered as Jungkook drove home.

"What about?" He wondered.

"Adults things, you'll understand one day."

"Then I don't want to be an adult." He whined.

"Oh, baby. You got a long time don't worry."

Jungkook pulled into the driveway and helped Jeongsan out of the car seat. All of you walking back into the house and sitting down in the living room. Jungkook put on a movie for Jeongsan who sat on the floor in his favorite bean bag chair, leaving you and Jungkook on the couch.

"I have work tomorrow." He started small talk. You hadn't noticed how he hadn't been working much until he brought it up.

"Why haven't you been working?" You wondered.

"Just haven't had any shifts. It hasn't been busy." He bit his lip, perhaps a sign of lying but you didn't think anything more of it.

Looking down Jeongsan already fell asleep it wasn't even late yet, must be tired from the action earlier. Jungkook noticed him too and got up. He picked him up and took him to your bed, you sat still in the living room.

Thinking. Of everything, you had said earlier. Did you say too much? Did he really care?

"Stop that." He came back and sat on the couch.

"You're worrying." He pointed out.

"Sorry." You stated.

"You can talk to me whenever you know? About anything. You can tell me when you're anxious. When you're having troubles. " He looked at you honestly.

"Why do you care?" Your eyes met. Genuinely you wondered.

"How do you know when you love someone? You just do." He smiled.

The small talk wasn't working your anxiety was messing with you again. Too awkward.

"Y/n. I want to be with you." He held your hand in his, looking to your eyes for an answer.

"Kook." You had no words. Could you really be with someone again? After all this?

"I know you may feel like you don't deserve love, or whatever the case. I will look after you and your son. I know the responsibility. I want to love you." Your face flushed at that. Maybe he did care after all whatever the reason, he did. He had no reason to take advantage of you.

"Then no more lies. Where do you work?" He choked up at that. Swallowing.

"That's the problem. What I do isn't safe for you guys." He gulped.

"If you can't be honest with me then we have nothing to talk about. I was honest with you. I've told you, everything kook. It's your turn." You crossed your arms. Finally standing up a bit.

"I'm a fighter. No, it's not legal. Yes, people involved can get hurt. That's why I had to move in the first place. I have people that want to hurt me yes. I've been doing this for years, and I'm still here. I can keep you safe, I promise." His eyes brimming slightly with tears.

This is what he didn't want to tell you. This is why you can't be together. You're living with a streetfighter. Just that could get you hurt, being ever so slightly involved already. You didn't care about yourself being hurt, but for the sake of Jeongsan. What could you do? Everything made sense now. The bruises, the cuts. All bruised and broken coming home, it was his job. He fought people and got bet money.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" Anger was laced in your throat. You fell for him too hard now. It's either you accept what he does with your child in danger or you find a way to get another roommate and completely forget about him.

"I couldn't obviously. It's illegal. I could get a lot of people in trouble for even telling you. I trust you, I care about you please. Just trust me, we'll be fine. I'm so sorry." He held your hands trying to convince you.

"I don't know what to say. I don't care about myself, but Jeongsan. If anything were to happen to him-" He cut you off.

"It won't. I'm a fighter, I'm trained to beat ass. Trust me?"

"I don't know about all this. You made me fall for you so I would have no choice but to stay with you." You couldn't decide if you were mad at him or just disappointed.

"I want to be with you, officially. I want to be able to hold you, kiss you, help you. I fell for you, I know you like me too. We can do it. Let's be official." He pouted to you.

"Kook, I don't know." Could you really be with him knowing all of this suddenly? Maybe things won't change though. You already live together and do most of what a couple would do.

"I know this is a lot at once, but I want to help you. I want to show love to you properly." Was this really it? He cared this much. You didn't even know much about yet, and here he is, telling you he wants to love you. Something nobody in your life has ever told you.

"I like were we are...I don't want change." You didn't know what to say. Everytime you got into a relationship they changed, you're not ready for him to change yet.

Your phoned dinged at that very second. Checking the device it read "Hey lovely -Seokjin"

Jungkook had already been looking at the screen, his jaw dropped reading the text message.

i don't like this part :( but merry christmas everyone!!! hope everyone who celebrated enjoyed themselves :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2020 ⏰

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